The Underworld (Part 1)

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(Nico's POV)

"I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it was definietly not a rock," Jordan said. "Pretty underwhelming."

"So, how do we open it?" Leo asked. He walked to the boulder and set his hand on it. In a flash, his hand went ablaze, as if it'd do something.

"Why'd you do that?" Jordan questioned.

"That's how I revealed the door to Bunker 9," he replied. He shook off the little specks of dirt from his hand.

"We open it with music," I said. "Last time I went through this entrance, Grover, a friend of mind, opened it with some wind pipes. Um, do any of you carry any instruments?"

"Yeah, I happen to have a spare tuba in my back pocket at all times," Jordan sarcastically said.

I roll my eyes. "You guys are the engineers, can't you make something?"

"Sure." Leo digs into a tool belt I never noticed he wore. He pulls out a couple of things I don't know the name of and quickly gets to work. "This might take a while guys, so better get comfortable. I've never made trumpet before, so uh... let's hope this works out."

Jordan sighs and gets comfortable on the ground. He props up his black suitcase and leans against it. Unsure of what to do, I awkwardly stay standing. This is probably the most I've hung out with people in a long time. After the whole thing with Gaea, I assumed everyone would take a nice break. I was invited to stay on the Argo but I couldn't bring myself to do so. Everyone knows about my... secret. But it's still kind of nard getting used to. Plus, after the whole thing with Will...

Maybe it's a good thing I'm here, apart of a quest. It's a good distraction.

"Whatcha thinkin' about over there?"

I look up at Leo, who I believed was the person talking, but he was under a tree working on whatever he was working on. I turn to Jordan. He's looking up at me expectantly, waiting for an answer to his question.

"Oh, nothing," I replied. Jordan shrugged his shoulders. I glance at his suitcase. It was a plain black one. Nothing special. But then I noticed something. At the corner, there was a pin with pink, blue, and white stripes. Beside it was a....

Oh my god.

An LGBTQ flag. 

"Okay, I'm done!" 

Jordan and I turn to Leo. He came to my side. In his hands was a small, silly looking trumpet. Jordan chuckled at how pathetic it was. (Not to be rude.) Leo gave him a stern glance and Jordan quickly looked down, covering his mouth to hide his smile. 

"This should do it." Leo brought the mouth piece of the trumpet to his lips and blew. A very disturbing, high-pitched noise filled my ears. I quickly brought my hands to the sides of my head and squeezed my eyes shut. 

"Jesus Leo, you said tht was supposed to be trumpet?" I shout over the horrendous sound. 

Leo pulls it out and examines it, pouting slightly. Jordan and I sigh with relief. 

"Sorry bro, but that sounded like literal shit," Jordan commented. 

"Couldn't have said it better myself," I agreed.  Jordan gave me an air fist bump. 

"Well I don't know how to fix it," Leo said sadly. "Any other great ideas?" 

"Uh... you guys know how to sing?" I asked. 

"Oh yeah! Jordan was singing along to the resturant music when you were getting freshenend up in the bathroom. He was pretty good," Leo announced. 

Jordan's eyes almost popped out of his head. "Are you suggesting that I sing to a rock?" 

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