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Jordan's POV

Before the explosion...

As I walk towards the lake, navigating my way through the forest, I feel dizzy. My palms are sweaty and way too warm. My forehead is beaded with sweat. At this point, I don't know where I'm going anymore. I'm just treading through the forest with no sense of direction.

I look up, my vision blurry.

"Wow, Jordan, you don't look very good," Beau smiles. I feel my body heat rise more than it already has. I felt like I was boiling. "Feeling a little hot now, are you? That's too bad. I was really hoping that would come later, but all those feelings you've been holding in, those bottled up emotions, they're starting to let out. This has happened before, huh? When was it..?? I'm not too sure what age you were. Young, I'm sure."

"No..." I said. "Not again."

"Actually, this is perfect. Then I won't need to deal with this anymore. I won't have to worry." Beau comes to my side and wraps his arms around my shoulders. "Leo Valdez and you won't get in my way anymore. I can continue with my plan peacefully. Once you completely burst with that emotion of knowing that Y/N will never know, the camp will see you as a danger. They'll keep you hidden away until they can find out what to do with you. It gives me just enough time to get everything I need. That snake was supposed to bite Percy Jackson, but instead it got the girlfriend. But honestly, I think it works out. I can use that dumb blonde as bait."

"She... is not... a dumb blonde," I said, struggling to get the words out. My body was really starting to burn. I could only see dots of color in front of me. Beau's voice was sounded far.

I fall to my knees. I can feel the smoke coming from my body.

I'm instantly taken back to when I was nine years old.


"Are you kidding me?" Annie, my adoptive mother yelled. "All night?? John, you've got to be joking right now!! And who we're those girls that dropped you off?"

"Will you relax? I was at the Casino with my friends, lady!" John responded aggressively. He held two bottles of wine in a paper bag. His breath reeked of alcohol. His clothes smelled of smoke. "Do you not trust me? Huh? Is that what this is?"

"How am I supposed to trust you when you're out all night at the Casino with two chicks?!" Annie shouted back. She grabbed all his clothes and threw it at him. "You know what, you're leaving. You're leaving right now. I'm done with all of this."

"Annie, stop it!" I yelled. My nine year old body was burning, just as it was now. My palms were smoking. "Why are you guys always fighting?!"

"SHUT UP, KID!" John screamed. He brings his hand to my face and gives me a good smack. I feel the spot on my cheek heat up more. I look up and see his eyes widen at me. I turn to Annie. She was looking at me with so much fear.

"Annie! Annie, he hit me! Aren't you going to do something?!??!" I yelled, tears dripping down my cheeks. It felt as if boiling hot water was coming from my eyes. "He hurt me! Why don't you do anything?? Why don't you ever do anything?"

That when it starts. I see fire. I hear screams. I hear John and Annie screaming. The neighbors outside and shouting at me, begging me to stop the fire. But I don't know how.

When I wake up, I'm in a pile of rubble, covered in ash, extremely cold.

I did that, I realized.

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