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Requested by: @jas_ramirez33
(Sorry it's late but I wanted to make sure I got this in :)

Y/n's pov:

I wanted to go to Bath and Body to buy me some candles and perfume, so I asked my boyfriend Frank to come with me. "Thanks for coming with me today Frankie." I sad as we walked hand in hand over to the food court. "Of course baby" He smiled as his eyes squinted since I couldn't see his mouth due to wearing a mask. "I'll go get us some food." He said as I nodded my head. I started looking through instagram and liking my friends posts. "y/n" I heard my name as I looked up.

"Oh my gosh Brandon! I missed you so much, what are you doing here?" I asked excitedly and wrapping him in a hug. "I missed you too" He chuckled as we released. "Well we're going virtual now so they let us students to come back home to our families. So here I am" He said as we both laughed.

"How is NYU?" I asked as we both sat back down talking. "It's been good but its hella crazy over there in New York. I love it, but I miss California weather" He chuckled as I nodded. "How about you? How is it at UCLA?" He asked. "Very very stressful, BUT I love it. I'm happy right now." I smiled. "I see you got a boyfriend now." he raised an eyebrow as I blushed. "Yeah, he's actually here getting us food right now." I pointed at the boy on his phone standing in line for some McDonalds.

"Okay I see you y/n. He treats you right?" he asked making me laugh."Yes definitely. He's amazing" I smiled at the thought of Frank. "Well I gotta go, we gotta hang out soon." he said getting up and giving me a hug. "Yeah for sure. Bye B ill text you tonight. Might be doing a little kickback with my friends if you're down." I said as he nodded his head. "Hell yeah." He said making me laugh.

Soon he walks away and I sat back down waiting for frank. "Got the food and sweet tea" Frank said holding up a bag of food with two drinks as I smiled. "Thank you frankie" I said taking my mask off so that we can eat our food.

Frank's pov:

I look back to where y/n was just to check on her and I see her hug some guy Ive never seen before. It doesn't help that he's wearing a mask because I still don't know who it is. I decided to text Julian because what the fuck.

Me: Yo cuz, y/n is talking to a dude.

Cuzzo: wdym

Me: Im in line getting us food and she's talking to a dude, as if Im not here bro!

Cuzzo: Okay chill calm down you're probably overreacting.

Me: They hugged and they're like all close and laughing together.

Cuzzo: Juss chill cuz. Dont overreact, just ask her calmly and nicely when you go back over to her.

me: yeah maybe you're right

*end of convo*

I finally got our food and walked back over, but the guy was gone now. "Got the food and sweet tea" I said holding up a bag of food with two drinks as she smiled. "Thank you frankie" she said taking her mask off so that we can eat our food. "Of course baby" I smiled sitting down and taking my mask off too. Its now or never frank. "Hey so who was the guy you were talking to?" I asked as she took a sip of her drink. "Oh that was Brandon he's like my childhood best friend, then he went away to college in New York" she explained. I nod my head staying silent and just eating my food.

Y/ns pov:

I can tell frank was jealous, Frank is definitely the type who will show that he is my boyfriend and that I am his. I love that about him it's cute, but we both know deep down I would never replace him. I gently grab his hand as he looks at me. "You have nothing to worry about bebe" I said as he smiled at me and went back to eating his food. He won't be too thrilled that I invited Brandon to our small little kickback today.

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