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Y/N's POV:

"Happy birthday y/n!" my family screamed as I smiled. "Thanks you guys" I said giving my mom and dad a hug, followed by my younger and older siblings. "Look y/n we made you a cake!" my little sister said as I smiled and gave her a hug again. "Thanks T" I said as we all sat down and ate breakfast. "So what are your plans for today y/n are you going out today?" My mom asked me.

"Yes, I am supposed to go shopping with Miah, then Frank said he was going to take me out to dinner tonight." I smiled and put my dishes in the sink. "Oh how sweet" my mom smiled as I nodded. "Alright I am off to work see you all later happy birthday sweetie." My dad said kissing my head. "Thanks dad bye" I said going up to my room to change into something nice for the day.


"So girl what's the move for tonight?" Miah asked as we were inside Bath and Body. "Frank is taking me out for dinner" I said smelling the Black Tie. "Oh really?" she smirked making me laugh. "Supposedly, but I don't know." I shrugged. "What do you mean you don't know?" She asked me. "Well he hasn't called or texted me today , and I feel like he forgot" I admitted.

"I doubt it girl. You know he loves you."She smiled as I nodded "You're right, I need to stop being insecure" I said as she nodded her head and we both laughed. We had bought some new candles and lotion and walked out. "Don't get mad?" She asked as I looked at her confused. "I invited Danny to meet up with us." She said as I laughed. "Miah why would I be mad?" I asked "Well it was just supposed to be you and I today so I thought you'd be mad if Danny came along.

I shook my head "Danny is the homie don't trip Miah."I laughed as she sighed of relief. Next thing I know Danny comes walking up with Julian. "Hey! Y/n! Happy birthday!" Julian said giving me a hug. "Thanks Julian hey Danny." I smiled and gave him a hug too. "Hey y/n happy birthday" he said as we all walked over to the Vans store.

*Later that night*

"Have fun on your date y/n!" Miah said as she got into her car with Danny. "Thanks M. I'll talk to you later. Bye Danny boy!" I waved as they took off. Julian had left earlier because he needed to pick up Bella from their uncle's house. I got into my car and drove home to get ready for dinner with Frank. We were to meet up at this fancy restaurant that was really crazy because he could've just took me to McDonald's and I would've been satisfied. I told him I would set up the reservation and he said okay.

I am just happy because I really love this boy and I planned on telling him tonight. I haven't been able to say it yet because I have been scared. Scared he wouldn't love me the way I love him.

*At Restaurant*

"Reservation for Y/n" I smiled at the hostess. "One second ma'am" She smiled and looked down at her book and skimmed through to find my name. "Table for two?" she asked as I nodded my head and smiled. "Right this way ma'am" she said walking to the back and leading me to a table setoff two as I smiled and sat down. "Thank you very much" I said to her. "My pleasure ma'am. Your waiter will be right with you." She said as she left and I looked down at my phone.

"Hello my name is Elliot I will be your waiter for the night. If you need anything please feel free to ask me. Can I start you off with something to drink?" He asked with his little notebook in hand. "Hi yes can I get a water please." I smiled kindly. "Yes of course. Do you already know what you want? Or do you need some time?" he asked. "Oh well I'm waiting for someone so Ill just wait thank you" I thanked him again as he nodded his head and left.

*Hour and a half later*

There I sat anxiously looking at my phone waiting for a text or call from Frank, and yet nothing. I had called him probably twenty times and texted fifty times. Yet he still never answered. "I am so sorry ma'am, but my boss says if you are not going to eat you must leave please." Elliot said kindly. "Oh my gosh I am sorry." I said and started grabbing my purse immediately and getting up realizing I had been stood up. "Here this is for you." I said to Elliot and gave him a twenty. "Oh my gosh no I can't take this you didn't even order." He said as I shook my head "I wasted your time, and you were kind enough to keep checking up on me thank you seriously." I smiled and he thanked me and I left.

I didn't know what happened. Was he okay? Did he just forget my birthday? Or maybe something came up at home? Or what if he's hurt? I decided to drive over to his house to see if he was okay. I missed him, I haven't seen him all week and I just really wanted to feel his touch.

*Frank's house*

I had pulled up to see Franks car and another. I questioned it because it wasn't his moms car. I shrugged and walked up to the door and used the key under the rock in the garden. I walked up the stairs and went down the hall way. I instantly stopped in my tracks as my heart broke, as I heard the sound of a woman moaning. I was hesitant in stepping closer, maybe he's watching porn? Oh I pray he's watching porn. I finally made it near his door "Oh fuck Frank just like that!" I heard an oddly familiar voice, I just couldn't think of whose voice it was.n

"Damn Jess you feel so fucking good!" I heard Frank groan. In that moment tears continued to fall down my face. I was full of anger and full of sadness, my tears weren't very helpful. I did not care at this moment because it hurt so much when I thought he would love me back. I burst through the door as Frank looked at me and quickly got off of my now ex best friend. "Y/n Baby it's not what it looks like." Frank said grabbing the sheet and covering himself. I laughed and scoffed "its not what it looks like Frank? You aren't FUCKING my best friend behind my back?" I asked really hurt. "Please let me explain y/n" he pleaded.

"Explain what frank? That you are a fucking cheater? A fucking dog? *scoffs* I should've listened to them when they said you would just use me." I shook my head and then looked at Jessica. "And for you.." I started and laughed again. "Fuck you, you fucking slut" I said and walked out of his room and out of his house. Out of his life for good.

*Week after incident*

I went to go hang out with Miah at Danny's house because she wouldn't stop bugging me to get out of the house. So she somewhat kidnapped me and dragged me over there herself. Little did we both know that frank was going to be there. "I am sorry okay? It was a bad thought" Miah admitted "No shit bitch. He is best friends with your boyfriend" I said shaking my head as she apologized again. I shook it off as we finished our little conversation in the bathroom and walked out to the backyard where the four boys were.

"Y/n." Frank spoke up. "Can we talk real quick?" He asked looking down. "Hell no." Miah said standing in between us two. "Please y/n." He pleaded. "I'm okay M." I said as she looked back at me nodded and smiled. We walked back inside the house into Danny's room. 

"Y/n I'm really sorry." He started off as I shook my head. "Saying sorry isn't gonna fix what you did Frank." I explained. "I know I am sorry and I fucked up." He explained.

We both stayed silent until I spoke up "how long?""Huh?" He asked confused. "How long were you two going behind my back?" I asked hurt as tears fell from my face. He looked down and fiddled with his fingers. "It started a month ago." He said.

I scoffed and laughed again and wiped my tears. "And here I thought Yesterday you got hurt. Or that you just simply forgot that you fucking stood me up last night to fuck my best friend." I said getting angry. "Do you want to know what hurts me the most?" I asked as I looked at him but he didn't look up.

"Look at me Frank." I said as he slowly looked up and I held his face in my hand. "I fucking loved you." I said as I got up and left. I grabbed my keys and left.

I didn't want to ever see him again. To think that I was going to tell him that I love him.

*The End

Welp enjoy :)

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