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Y/N's POV:

"So you're telling me you've never heard of them before nor seen them?!" My best friend basically screamed at me. I shrugged my shoulder as I kept braiding her hair. "Well we're gonna watch them." She said pulling her phone out to go on YouTube. "How do you not know who they are? We live in the same city as them." She says as she pulled up their channel.

"Well for starters I don't watch a lot of YouTube and two I don't go out much." I said. She had started one of their videos, it was one where they were in the car talking about is ranch good on pizza.

I couldn't help but laugh. "They're really funny." I said as I finished her hair. "See I told you." She laughed at me. "Who's that?" I asked pointing at the boy who sat in the back. "That one?" She smirked. I rolled my eyes and nodded my head. "That's Frank." "He's cute." I say. She smirked at me and raised her eyebrows. "What?" I asked "you think he's cute?" She furrowed her brows again. "Yeah" I shrugged.

She kept on making a big deal making me laugh. "Okay now shut up and let's make these brownies bitch" I say as she agrees.

*Three Weeks Later*

I've been watching their videos for the past three weeks and it's honestly funny. They're funny. Frank is still my favorite not gonna lie. He's really cute too so.

"Y/n! Hurry" my sister complained to me. "Maybe if you got your license we wouldn't be in this situation." I rolled my eyes. "Well mom said for you to take me so shut up." "That's it, you can walk to the mall." I said. "No wait y/n please." She pleaded. "Alright fine let's go." I said as we drove to the mall.

As we were driving she put on a video, as I realized it was them again. "Wait you watch them too?" I asked confused. "Yeah, I've seen them at the mall before too." She shrugged. "Wait you watch them?" She asked me. "Well I just started watching their videos. I thought they were pretty cool." I chuckled.

*At Mall*

"How does this one look?" She asked. We were currently dress shopping for her. It was her senior year and she was going to prom. "I like the style but not the color." I say "yeah same, I think I wanna try another store." She says. I nod my head considering that I have nowhere else to be but watch her.

We walked out of that dress shop. "So anything new at scho-." I was cut off by falling onto someone's chest. "Oh my gosh I'm so so so sorry." I said quickly as I got up off of him and helped him up. "It's all good." He chuckled dusting himself off. As I realized who it was. Then I see the other three around us, as Julian recorded the whole encounter.

"It's sweetea bitch!" My sister squealed as she ran to Logan first and gave him a hug. I giggled at her reaction as Frank was still staring at me. I couldn't help but blush a bit. "I'm sorry again." I spoke up. "It's totally fine." He smiled at me. "She thinks you're cute." My sister shouted as she was taking a selfie with Logan.

I glared at her as she smiled widely. Frank was just Smiling at me as I was still blushing badly. Next thing all I know is the others start doing these funny accents and talking to each other with my sister as Frank and I just stood there looking At each other.

"We were gonna go get some Boba, do you want to come with us?" Logan asked my sister. "Oh my gosh Can we please!?" She pleaded. "Hm I don't know." I said kind of uneasy, because I mean we just actually met them. "We'll pay." Logan said. I was still kind of uneasy about it. "I mean you don't have to if you don't want to." Frank reassured me with a smile.

"Ah cousin" Julian said. "Shut up." He mouthed to Julian as I Laughed. "Por favor y/n." My sister basically begged because she had a major crush on Logan. From what I've  been hearing ever since she got into the mall.

I hesitated but slowly nodded my head yes. "Great!" Logan exclaimed. "Wait Lia, didn't you want to get your dress today?" I asked her. "It's okay." She shrugs. We all walked out of the mall and to the cars. Tell me it's not crazy that we were parked right next to each other. "Y/n can I please ride with them?!" She exclaimed. "Lia" I said with a serious tone. "No it's okay, she'll be fine. Trust" Frank said looking me in the eyes.

I felt like he was being truthful. I just felt it. So I trusted him and nodded my head "okay go ahead." I said as she basically squealed. "You know for an 18 year old you really act like you're still 12" I say chuckling as they all laughed. 

"So where to?" I asked. "Oh Frank is gonna go with you so you won't get lost" Julian basically pushes him towards me. "Julian you bitch!" He says as he caught me before we fell again. "You okay?" He asked as I meet his eyes and nod my head.

"Yeah" was all I said. Until I realized he was still holding my waist closely to his body. "So y'all gonna fuck?" Danny asked. "Shut the fuck up." Frank flipped him off as he was mad red. I couldn't help but giggle. He let go of my waist and we got into the car.

As we had the music on low. "So tell me why I've never seen you before." He says. "Well, I don't go out much. Haven't really gone out much since high school so." I shrugged off. "Damn, well to officially introduce myself. I'm Frank" He smiled at me as we were at a red light. I giggled "Y/n." I smiled and shook his hand. As he slowly let go and the light turned green.

*Two months laterally *

"Frank stop it's not funny." I laughed as he continued to tickle me. "I think it is" he laughed at me. "Frank" I basically screamed. "Bro they're having sex!" I heard from the door. "GET SOME FRANK!" I heard Logan's loud ass.

Frank instantly stopped. "You fucking bitchass mother fuckers! Shut the fuck up and leave us alone." He said getting pissed. I just couldn't help but laugh. "Oh so now it's funny?" He asked me. I held in my laugh. "So when I do this is it funny?" He asked as he starts tickling me again.

"No no Frank stop." I started laughing again. Soon the door busts open. "What's up Bitches!" I see Julian recording us. Frank was on top of me and covered my face. "Julian what the fuck did I tell you!" Frank said getting pissed. The boys were all laughing the whole time. "Chill I'm not recording." He laughed. "Sorry." Frank whispered. I smiled to reassure him I'm okay, He gets off of me.

"Hey y/n, wanna go get boba with us?" Julian asked. "Yeah sure." I shrugged. They walked out as Frank stood up and held his hand out for me. I gladly took it as we got into my car. "Before we leave." Frank interrupted the music and turned it off. "I wanted to ask you." He says. "Yes?" I asked. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said lowly looking me dead in the eyes.

That's what I've loved about Frank, he had confidence. It was cockiness it was confidence. I smiled at him and gently reached for his face. "I'd love to." As I kissed him softly.

*The End*

Damn I am so extra 😂 but I hope y'all like! I was inspired by @awesomely_fresh_16 to write this imagines book. I was finna write one but I didn't know if I actually wanted to😂 BUT I did hope y'all like :))))

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