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A/n: BEFORE YOU READ take not you guys are about in your late 20s in this imagine :)

Y/N's POV:

"Yeah I'll see you later. I have to pick up Danny from work." I explained to my sister. She nodded her head giving me a hug. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She smiled. "Okay will do. Bye baby we will see you tomorrow." I said kissing my sisters belly. She laughed aloud "you seriously won't tell me?" She chuckled. "Hell no. You entrusted in me to not tell anyone nor yourself what the gender of the baby is." I smiled cheekily to my older sister.

"Okay. Fine." She chuckled as I headed out to the car and took off to pick up Danny. This whole week I've been picking him up and dropping him off because his cars in the shop at the moment.

*Danny's work*

"Aye I'll see you later man." Danny said to his co-worker. "Peace out man. Hey y/n!" He said and waved. "Hey Manny" I smiled and waved as Danny got in.

"Hey baby." Hw said giving me a peck on the lips as I smiled. "Hi Bubs." I said "how was work?" I asked. "Alright, just exhausting." He says laying his head back as I smiled weakly and looked at him. Admiring all his features. "What are you doing you weirdo?" He asked looking from the corner of his eyes as I giggled.

"What I can't admire my loving boyfriend?" I responded. "Well shit I mean I am sexy as fuck." He said making that 'light skin' face. "Not with that look." I laughed and took off towards the Sweetea house.

"Tomorrow is Lisa's gender reveal right?" Danny asked as we finally pulled up to the house as I nodded my head "yeah, we gotta stop by the store first and grab drinks and stuff." I explained taking the key out of the ignition.

He nodded his head as we both got out of the car and headed inside. "LOGAN SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY YOU SUCK ASS!" Frank yelled. "NO FUCK OFF BITCH!" Logan yelled back. "Oh hey guys." Logan smiled innocently from the couch as he was singing a song that was annoying frank. (I'm ngl at this very moment I almost put Fred Bc I've been reading Weasley Stories😂)

"Hey Lowg." I laughed at the two as Danny went straight to the kitchen. I sat down on the couch as Julian started yelling from his room. "YO WE NEED CONTENT FUCKING LAZY ASSES WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GO- oh hey Y/n you guys are back." Julian waved as I laughed again.

"Hi Juju, and yes we're back." I stated as he came down the stairs sitting next to Logan and I. "Frank coming out of his room and smiled and waving. "Hi y/n." "Hi Frankie."

"What no hi for me?" Danny asked as the boys ignored him. "Fuck you guys." Danny muttered holding a bowl of cereal and sitting on the floor in between my legs. I giggled and ruffled up his hair.

Soon Logan put on Icarly as we all were watching it. "Oh shit I almost forgot to ask. I need help tomorrow with Lisa's gender reveal. Can you guys help me out?" I asked. The three boys looked at each other and shrugged.

"I'm down. Could give us some content." Julian said. "Shut up about it already we know Julian!" Logan said annoyed. I stifled a laugh. "I have work in the morning but I'll come by after and help." Logan said as I smiled and thanked him. "Gender reveal is in the evening"

"You should come home and shower first. Don't want the dogs chasing after you with your greasy self." Frank said making Danny and Julian laugh.
"Shut the fuck up frank. You are a dog, what you gonna come barking up my leg?!" Logan fired back.

Causing Danny to laugh even more. "What are you laughing at CinnaMON wit your tall ass?!" Frank said. "Why the fuck did I agree to move in with your headasses?" I asked aloud laughing. "Because you don't have any friends!" Julian said making them all erupt into laughter.

"Fuck off Julian! At least I'm not whining about not having a girlfriend!" I said "ooooooooo!" The boys all said laughed. "Fuck you!" Julian flipped me off as I laughed and we all continued watching iCarly.

*Next Day*

I woke up hella early checking the time seeing it was 5:30am "why the fuck am I up?" I asked aloud to myself. I shifted still feeling Danny's grip on my waist as I smiled. Soon he groaned and moved pulling me closer to his body.

I giggled and laid back down in his arms. "Mmm what time is it?" He asked. "5:30" I responded admiring how cute he looked while sleeping. "Why are you up so early?" He complained. "I have no clue." I whispered as he started falling back asleep. I pulled him onto my chest as I kissed his head while playing with his curls.

"I love you Daniel." I whispered. "I love you Y/n." He mumbled into my chest as I giggled lightly. As I stroked his hair I closed my eyes slowly falling back asleep.

*7:30 am*

"Baby we gotta get up now." I whispered to Danny who was still laying on my chest. "I don't wanna." Hw groaned as I chuckled. "Please Danny. I need to get the stuff ready for today." I said kissing his head again. "Oh fine. But can I get a kiss?" He asked looking up at me with his eyes still closed.

I giggled and shook my head. "We have to brush our teeth first before I give you any kisses." I tell him as he groaned again and slowly got out of bed. I laughed at him as he got up and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Daniel! Put me down!" I yelled but he didn't listen. "I'm getting that kiss!" He said as he walked into our shared bathroom.

I giggled at his determination as he finally put me down and we both brushed our teeth. I washed my face and dried my face as Danny pulled me by the waist and wasted no time. Planting his wet lips on mine. I smiled and pulled away.

"Very minty." I said as he smiled to himself. "Alright I have to shower." I said shooing him out. "What? I can't join?" He asked hurt. I rolled my eyes playfully. "No."

"Oh come on please. Save water?" He questioned as I shook my head. "Nice try Mr. Smooth guy." I chuckled as I closed the door and getting in the shower.

*After getting ready*

Finally we finished getting ready as well as Frank and Julian. "Julian can you grab those boxes please." I asked as he nodded his head grabbing them. "Do you need these y/n?!" Frank asked holding up a bag of confetti. "Oh shit yes please Frank." I said as he nodded.

"Babe you forgot your phone upstairs." Danny said coming down as I thanked him and we took off towards Hacienda Park. (Idk if that's a park lmfao)

*After Set Up*

Logan had finally arrived with sodas and juices. "Thanks again you guys means a lot." I thanked the four of them while holding Danny's hand. "Aye always got you y/n. Just as long as I'm The Godfather of your first baby." Julian smirked.

I felt my face go red as the boys laughed. "That reminds me y'all gonna have a baby soon or what?" Frank laughed as Danny squeezed my hand and smiled down at me and chuckled lightly.

I smiled back up thinking about a conversation we had before.


"Hey baby?" I said as I was laying my head on Danny's chest. We were in our room watching tv. "Hmm." He hummed. "Do you ever wanna have kids?" I asked curiously. "With you? Of course." Hw said as I smiled to myself sitting up. "You do?" I asked as he nodded his head.

"Yes of course y/n baby. I want to have a family with you. Have little Danny's walking around and little y/N's too." Hw smiled. "How many kids do you want?" I asked as I smiled at his answer. "Seven" he announced as I looked at him shocked. "What?" He laughed "nothing." I giggled. "I wouldn't mind having that many, or even three. As long as they're with you." I said kissing his lips softly.

"I love you y/n." "And I love you Danny." I smiled and laid back down in his arms. "We definitely gonna try tonight." Hw whispered as I smirked "Well what's stopping us now?" I teased as I sat up and he laughed attacking my lips and flipping us over so he was on top.


"Don't you worry Julian you were gonna be my first choice as godfather." I smiled at my best friend. "Aw what the fuck what about us?" Frank said hurt alongside Logan. "Dumb ass we gonna have more than just one kid." Danny laughed alongside all of us.

*The End


I'm sorry it wasn't all that but I hope you like : )

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