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Y/N's POV:

"I'm with my best friend right now" My best friend Leia said on the phone with her cousin. "Oh you're with Kelly?" He asked "no I just said I was with my best friend" Leia said making me laugh.

"Oh, who's your best friend?" He asked "Y/n" she replied "Hey!" I yelled from my floor. "Oh okay" he said "Yeah, so I'll call you later I'm with her and her family. Yeah okay bye" she said and hanging up the phone.

*Later on that night*

"Bro I can't believe we're almost 20 years old and your mom still thinks you're a goody goody" Leia laughed at me and passed me the puff. "Well it is what it is" I shrugged as she laughed. "Aye, when's Y/sisters/n getting home?" She asked. "Shit I hope sometime soon." I replied because she said she would bring us back some drinks.

"Girl same I'm trynna get fucked up right now." She said making me laugh. My parents are strict as hell, if they found out that I smoke and drink they'd basically kill me. I hate disappointing them.

*Wayyy Later on that Night*

"Bro I fucking feel it now" I laughed at Leia. "Shit I do too" she laughed with me. "Oh my gosh you won't believe it Y/n." Leia laughed a bit. "What?" I asked "okay... so basically My cousin asked about you. He was like let me see what your best friend looks like." She started.

"Bitch you didn't!" I said shocked. "Yeah now he wants me to tell you to add him on snap." She said. I couldn't help but laugh a bit "Wait! Which picture did you send of me!" I said worriedly. "Don't worry I sent the one of us at the beach." She smirked as I squealed. "Wait! Is this the cousin in LA?" I asked as she nodded her head.

"Wait can I see a picture again?" I asked as she went through her phone trying to see if she can find one of him. "This is his Insta." She said showing me a picture. "I mean he's kinda cute though" I smirked as she laughed. She gave me his snap and I quickly added him back.

*Ring Ring*

"Oh my gosh what does he want now." She said shaking her head. "Oh! Is it him?" I asked excitedly. "Yeah. Hello?" She answered. "Hey Leia" "Danny what you want?" She asked. "Well you said you'd call me back and tell me what happened with Mav's girl" he said. "Oh yeah, well now we're all good" she laughed making me laugh.

We had some shit go down with our guy best friend Mavericks girl. Sometimes, when I can't go with Leia she usually goes without me to Mavericks house. They usually let her drink over there since her mom doesn't like her to do that shit at home.

We've know Maverick since Sophomore year and has become one of our closest friends so going to his house isn't a big question to our parents. I mean we are 19 now so it ain't that big of a deal.

Plus Maverick lives with his cousins and we're all chill.

"So now everything is fine?" Danny asked her "Yeah." She smiled. "Yo so like you gonna add me back or what?" I laughed being bold. Leia showed me to the camera as you can see his face turn a little red. "Aight hold up let me go do that real quick" he said going onto pause.

"I don't see anything" he said as I was confused. I went onto my phone and saw I didn't press the add button. "Oh shit my bad" I laughed "dumbass" Leia laughed at me. "I can't fucking think straight" I laughed with her. "Okay there" I said officially adding him.

"There ya go" he said as the notification popped up that he added me back. I smiled as Leia continued talking to him about Mav's girl and how everything a all good now.

*four weeks later*

"Stop like you're deadass making me red" I blushed at Dannys comments. "Well what can I say? It's only the truth" he smirked through the camera. "You're too much" I giggled.

"Shit I wish we could meet." He said making me frown "I know me too. I'm sorry" I pouted "Don't be sorry bout anything babygirl." He told me making me blush once again. "Yo Danny we gotta go film" I heard in the background. "Oh hey Y/n!" I heard. "Who's that?" I asked confused. "Oh it's Logan." Danny responded.

"Hey Logan" I smiled and waved at the camera. "I'll talk to you later baby bye" Danny said "Bye" I smiled as he blew me a kiss and hung up the phone. I smiled at my phone and closed it.

*Two months later*

"Don't be so nervous y/n." Leia laughed at me. "I'm not. I'm perfectly fine." I smiled at her even though I was nervous as hell. This the first time I'm actually gonna meet Danny. Maverick, And Leia and I decided to drive up to LA to visit Danny and his friends.

My mom hasn't let me gone anywhere because of this damn quarantine, but she finally is letting me go out because my siblings got to go out. It was my turn to have a little bit of freedom. Being 19 doesn't mean my mom can't beat my ass. So if I still live with her that means I gotta listen to her.

Considering that Mavericks aunt is dating Danny's uncle since forever Mavericks like their family too. Which was crazy to find out since that's Leia's family and all. "Yeah don't trip Y/n" Maverick said trying to calm me down. "Bro I'm telling you I'm chill." I said not confident at all.

"Well we're here." Leia said pulling up to a house with the garage open. "Okay fuck I'm nervous. What if he doesn't like me in person?!" I asked scared of rejection. "I'm telling you this now he's gonna love you. Now shut the fuck up and get out the car." Leia said.

I took a deep breath and let it out. "Okay you got this y/n don't be a little bitch" I gave myself a pep talk. Four boys appeared in the garage and I can see Danny "Oh thank goodness he's taller than me." I whispered aloud making Leia and Maverick laugh.

We all got out the car and headed up the driveway. "Hey Leia." Danny came and greeted his cousin. "Hey D" she smiled and hugged him. "Yo Danny Boy" Maverick said dapping him up. "Sup Mav" Danny replied. The two went to say hi to his friends as I smiled shyly.

"Why hello to you too." He smirked I couldn't help but blush as I walked up to him and gave him a hug. "Hi Danny" I muddled into his chest. I felt him kiss my head as I smiled into his chest. "Ahh!" I can hear Leia say making me release from Dannys embrace and flip her off.

*The End*


SOOOOO this May or may not have happened to me... I just added in a lot more details. And changed the names up obviously lol. But this one was based off of true events lmao. But not fully fully all off of true events if tht makes sense 😂 I'm sorry I'm confusing myself I'll stop :)

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