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The girl was cut off by a loud laugh coming from the boy she had been chasing just moments ago. The two kids, ages 8 and 9 were running through the trees of the park, pretending they were in a jungle. They had branches for swords and currently were running from the strange tin dinosaur man (Sam's imagination was to thank for that)

"It's coming! All hands on deck!"

"We're the only two here Sam"

"Shush that's not the-AHHH THE MONSTER"

He yelled dramatically as Lydia giggled before pulling out her "sword" and stepping forward. She dramatically swung it around as she fought off the creature, Sam came beside her, stabbing his branch into the tree (the monster).

"We've done it!"

His slightly high pitched voice rung throughout the trees, him and Lydia celebrating as they ran back to the park.


Lydia called out, rushing towards her mother and Sam's.

"We fought a monster!"

Sam smiled proudly as he approached them, "It was a tin dinosaur man!"

The mothers laughed, immediately asking the children how the adventure went. They talked all the way from the park until it came time to go into their homes, which were right next door to one another.

"I'm telling you, one day we'll be heroes! You'll hear about us on the news!"

"One day kids, but for now say bye, you'll see each other in a few days"

Sam hugged his shorter friend (only by a few inches) before she whispered "or in a few hours"

Sam laughed as Lydia gave him a slight squeeze before going inside with her mom. Sam followed after his own mom moments after.


Later, about nine o'clock, Lydia ran to her window, a flashlight in hand. She watched as Sam walked past the window, before popping up with his own.

He clicked it twice, "Hi"

Lydia did the same, "Hi"

And two children spent almost an hour clicking their lights, each a different meaning, as they spoke and planned out yet another adventure.


Word Count: 342

Remember! The story takes place before they're even fully grown up! So Act One kinda follows their lives as growing up if that makes sense.

I hope you are all well!
Lots of love,

Written/Published: 2/10/21

Hopelessly Devoted--> Sam Wilson{✔️}Where stories live. Discover now