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Airport Battle pt. 2

"You know this isn't on my bucket list

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"You know this isn't on my bucket list...but I guess the upgrade makes up partly" Lydia mumbled to herself as she fixed a piece of her suit. Sam chuckled beside her, shaking his head at his girlfriend.

"Ready?" he asked

"No" she replied simply, making the man nod in agreement before pressing a small kiss to her forehead, the two following the others outside

"Wow it's so weird when you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Tony asked Rhodey

"Definitely weird" Rhodey responded

"Hear me out Tony" Steve started, "that doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this"

"Captain" Black Panther said, coming into view

"Your highness" Steve said

"Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in" Tony said, "That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"

"You're after the wrong guy" Steve said

"Your judgement is askew" Tony said, "Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday"

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him" Steve challenged, "I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't"

"Steve" Natasha voiced, "You know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"

"Alright I've run out of patience. Underoos!" Tony called

On cue, a web came down, attaching itself to Cap's shield and pulling it from his hands and webbing his in the process. Landing was someone in a spider suit, holding the shield.

"Nice job kid" Tony said to them

"Thanks" the person replied, "Well I could have stuck the landing a little better it's just.. New suit. It's nothing Mr. Stark! It's perfect, thank you"

Lydia held back a laugh, picking up that this person had to be a teenager.

"Yeah we don't really need to start a conversation" Tony told them

"Okay. Cap. Captain" the person said, "Big fan. I'm Spider-Man"

"You've been busy" Steve remarked

Hopelessly Devoted--> Sam Wilson{✔️}Where stories live. Discover now