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We then went to this one spot, sat up on the roof for a while watching the sun and stars, it was beautiful, but I noticed something, I found my thoughts being filled with him, his eyes, his

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We then went to this one spot, sat up on the roof for a while watching the sun and stars, it was beautiful, but I noticed something, I found my thoughts being filled with him, his eyes, his

Lydia snapped her book shut and shoved it into her backpack as she heard the bedroom door open. Sam walked in, smiling at the girl who was sitting at his desk and sat down on his bed, picking up his notebook in the process.

"Right so where were we?"

"Um, we left off question eight because you oh so desperately needed a bathroom break"

"In my defense"

The two spoke at the same time "When you gotta go, you gotta go"

Sam playfully glared at the girl who only winked at him before picking up her pencil, ready to work again.


Two and a half hours later, the two friends found themselves on Sam's bed, just staring at the ceiling. They already finished the work, and attempted to start their project before stopping and agreeing to work on it tomorrow.

"Hey Sammy?"

"Yes Lids?"

The girl rolled onto to her side so she could see him better, making him face the girl.

"How come you don't have a girlfriend?"

Sam's eyes widened and he gasped at the girl, a laugh escaping her lips before she could stop it.

"Why is that an important question?"

"I dunno, I'm curious, you could obviously get any girl, or guy if you swing that way, but you've been single for years"

He smirked at the girl, sitting up slightly, "I could say the same for you now couldn't I? And did you basically just say I'm good looking?"

He teased as Lydia rolled her eyes, hoping she could control the warm feeling on her cheeks.

"Shut up Wilson"

"Why certainly Marie"

She shoved him, making him roll closer to the edge so he grabbed her, pulling her onto him as he fell onto the ground. A loud thump could be heard from downstairs followed by loud laughter as Sam landed onto the wooden floor, Lydia laying on top of him.

"You're an idiot Sam Wilson"

"As are you Lydia Marie"

The two stood up, Lydia immediately flopping back into the bed as Sam went to reassure his mom that everything was okay. When he came back, he sat down next to the girl, the two getting caught up in yet another conversation.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE INNOCENT" Sam practically screeched as he looked at Lydia who just smiled.

"I mean, I'm innocent! You have no proof that I'm not!" she challenged, already knowing it was a mistake but she was having too much fun to just stop.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really"

"So you don't remember the one time about a month ago when you and m-"

"SHUT UP WILSON" She threw a pillow as his face, cutting off his sentence.

The girls cheeks turned pink slightly, making Sam smirk, she shook her head

"We said we'd never speak of it"

"No you said that, not me lovey"

Lydia picked up her backpack, sliding on her shoes as well,

"Oh what's that? I'm pretty sure that's my mom calling me from across the houses, I should go"

"Your mom isn't even home Lydia"

"Bye Birdy!"

And with that, she rushed down the stairs, said goodbye to Sam's mom, thanking her for allowing her over yet again, and went into her own home.

Dear Diary,

Why am I falling for Sam Wilson?


I had a little too much fun writing this chapter, I love them so much.

Word Count: 603

Written: 2/11/21

Published: 2/11/21

Hopelessly Devoted--> Sam Wilson{✔️}Where stories live. Discover now