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Lydia Marie watched as Sam came tumbling out of his window, landing onto the pillow Lydia had moved at the last second as he didn't line it up well enough.

"You could've died dummy"

Lydia laughed as he stood up, brushing himself off, he simply rolled his eyes at the girl before walking to his gate, gesturing for her to go first.

"Isn't the term 'Ladies First'?"

She asked as she looked at him, he mocked offense before walking forward

"Well if you insist"

The two ended up trying to fit at the same time, failing to cover up their laughter. They were sneaking out and laughing as loud as they were would alert at least one parent. Don't get them wrong, it wasn't for anything bad, but being 16/17 with school, they needed time to just relax.

And so the two friends ended up outside of 24/7 mini mart, rushing inside they grabbed snacks and drinks before paying and walking to a hill not far from their homes.

They put out a blanket (Lydia had taken it out of her house), setting everything down on it before themselves, both laughing at something Sam said.

"I wish we were kids again" sighed Lydia as she rested on Sam's legs, who sat up slightly to look at her without disturbing her.

"Yeah, but it's kinda fun to grow up?" He spike although it sounded more like a question, making the girl snort, which made him break out into laughter.

"Pass me a chip bag will ya birdy?"

"Stop calling me that"

"But you're a bird...but my bird, so..."

He rolled his eyes at the girl before throwing the chips at her face, making her smile up at him before sitting up to eat. The two spent the night under the stars, snacking and talking about anything.

They made plans for the future, they promised that no matter what they'd stay together, nothing would come between them, not even a war could separate them.

"So, pigeon ready to head back home?"

"Hey! You're the bird not me"

"You're a pigeon and my pigeon, don't fight it"

"Why did I ever become friends with you?"

The girl asked in a teasing tone as Sam faked gasped.

"I'm insulted! I'm amazing and you know I am! That's why, I'm the only one who got you to share out in class"

"Shut up"

Sam laughed again as the girl stood up, everything cleaned up. He crouched down, awaiting the girl who took a moment to calm herself before climbing onto his back. He gripped the backs of her legs to steady her as he stood up, and carried her all the way back to their houses.


Word Count: 456

Me doing double updates?? What- (this is what happens cause I'm avoiding homework)

Written/Published: 2/10/21


Hopelessly Devoted--> Sam Wilson{✔️}Where stories live. Discover now