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One: Introduction

Lydia was surprised to see Steve Rogers and her best friend Sam Wilson racing each other on a rather early morning

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Lydia was surprised to see Steve Rogers and her best friend Sam Wilson racing each other on a rather early morning. The girl had gone to look for Steve, needing to find him before they had to leave for a mission.

"On your left" Steve spoke, running past Sam

"Uh-huh on my left, got it" Sam replied, still maintaining his regular pace.

This went on for the next few minutes, all Lydia did was sit back and watch, finding it as free entertainment.


"What are you two doing?" she called out as Sam came to a stop by a tree, he looked up at the girl, panting slightly and glaring her down.

"As if you didn't just watch all that"

"Aw you know me so well Birdy"

Steve jogged over to the pair, a smile on his face.

"Dude, you just ran like thirteen miles in thirty minutes"

"Oh stop exaggerating Wilson"

"Make me Marie"

The pair broke out into laughter as Steve looked between them,

"Am I missing something or?"

"Um, right, Steve this is Sam Wilson, Sam you know who Steve Rogers is I'm sure"

"Oh nice to meet you Sam, what unit you with?"

"58th Pararescue. But now I'm working over at the VA" Sam replied, standing up

"Wait is this the guy you told me about?"

"Steve.." Lydia warned, noticing the look Sam gave him

"Do tell" Sam answered, making Steve chuckle

"She told us all about you, how you guys grew up together, she told us after she came back from hanging out with you say a month ago?"

Lydia Marie was prepared to sink into the ground right then and there.

"Steve shut up"

"Ooo so you talk about me Lids?"

Lydia chose to not answer, just shaking her head.

The two guys talked as Lydia pulled out her phone, slightly listening while messaging Natasha.

"Marvin Gaye, 1972, Trouble Man soundtrack"

"You and that soundtrack I swear-"

Steve pulled out a tiny notebook, "I'll put it on the list" he said as he wrote it down underneath "Rocky"

"Well it was nice to meet you Sam, but duty calls. Thanks for the run, if that's what you call running"

"Oh that's how it is?"

"Hey listen anytime you wanna come by, make me look awesome in front of the girl at the front desk let me know"

Lydia had to hold back a sound as she heard Sam say that to Steve. What did it matter if he liked someone? It's normal...

Truthfully Lydia had met the girl at the front desk, she was a rather sweet girl, making it harder for Lydia to hate her, actually she was a bit jealous of the girl.

She was pulled from her thoughts as she saw Natasha pull up.

"Hey fellas. Either one of you know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a fossil...and then I have to go to the bar to pick up a hot chick"

Lydia held back her laughter as she climbed into the back seat of the car, Steve in the front.

"Is that Sam?" Natasha asked, smirking as the smile on Sam's face grew.

"God you guys love to expose me-"

"Don't worry pigeon I know you love me it's okay"

And with that the car pulled away, speeding down the street. Sam left to laugh at the rather flustered look his best friend had when they left.


A/N: Alright we're officially in TWS era and wow am I excited to write the story between Lydia Marie and Sam Wilson

Hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter <3

Word Count: 606

Written: March 5-9,2021
Published: March 9,2021

Listening to Slipping Through My Fingers from Mamma Mia! While writing this just hit different wow

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