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Three: Helpers

Lydia walked next to Sam as the pair made their way into the building

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Lydia walked next to Sam as the pair made their way into the building. Steve had to go talk to Nick after the mission, so Lydia decided to bug Sam.

"You remember what can happen here right?"

"Of course I do, I used to attend them Wilson"

"Just making sure, now help me with the chairs?"

The girl nodded, immediately unfolding chairs and setting them up for everyone.

When she finished, she had some time before the meeting started, so being her natural self she wandered around the building.

"Hey! Lydia Marie right?"

Lydia turned and smiled, a bit caught off guard at her name. She saw a lady at the front desk waving her over. She walked over to the desk,


"Sorry, I'm Eva, its nice to finally meet you"

"Oh? It's nice to meet you as well" Lydia smiled, a bit surprised still although she had no idea why.

"Sorry I realize how weird this might be, some random knowing you, um Sam talks about you a lot, just feels like I know you really well is all"

"Oh does he now? All good things I hope"

The women laughed, Eva smiling at Lydia.

"I don't think that man could say one rude thing about you if he tried"

"Oh I'm sure he could, but thank you"

Lydia noticed that she had been studying Eva, not on purpose of course, but she noticed just how pretty Eva was. The way her hair flowed, the way her smile was welcoming and bright, the way Eva spoke to everyone in that soft voice. No wonder Sam liked her.


Lydia stood in the back of the room, watching as Sam led the meeting.

"A cop, pulled me over last week." one woman stated, her hand shook slightly but no one seemed to notice. "He thought I was drunk, I swerved to miss a plastic bag. I thought it was an IED"

"Some stuff, you leave there. Other stuff you bring back. It's our job to figure out how to carry it. Is it gonna be in a big suit case? Or in a little man purse?" Sam spoke, looking at everyone as Lydia mouthed the words of his speech, having heard it before.

"Well my friend, good talk" Lydia spoke aloud as the meeting ended, sending smiles to everyone who parted ways. The duo reached Steve who was standing outside the room.

"Look who it is, the running man"

"Caught the last few minutes. It's pretty intense"

"Oh you have no idea Steve," Lydia said, before quickly adding in "If you'll just excuse me for a second" and rushed off in the directon of the bathroom.

"Yeah brother, we all got the same problems. Guilt." Sam started, " Regret." Steve noticed how he looked in the direction of Lydia when he said it.

Now, unknown to Steve of the situation Sam could've referred to in that moment when he spoke, it definitely wasn't kissing Lydia Marie. That was something he would never regret in his mind. But maybe she did.

"You lose someone?" Steve asked,

"My wingman, Riley"

Lydia had been approaching the boys when she stopped, hearing the conversation, she knew exactly who Riley was, hell Riley would keep her updated on her best friend when he didn't check in. She had helped Sam through the pain of losing him.

"After that, I had a really hard time finding a reason for being over there, you know?" as he spoke he wrapped an arm around Lydia who had finally returned. He pulled her into his side, her arms going around him.

"But you're happy now, back in the world?" Steve spoke, standing up from the wall he was leaned against.

"The number of people giving me orders is down to about zero, minus Lids time to time" he smirked at the woman who shook her head.

"Are you thinking about getting out?" Lydia asked Steve after a moment, she knew that look he had, she'd seen it before.

"No." Steve replied, "I don't know. To be honest I don't know what I would do with myself if I did"

"Ultimate fighting?" Sam proposed, everyone laughing

"Sam I don't think that's what he meant"


Word Count: 708

Written: March 31-April 1, 2021

Published: April 1,2021

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