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Jail Birds

Rhodey was being taken care of, and Tony had managed to make Natasha mad at him more so than before

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Rhodey was being taken care of, and Tony had managed to make Natasha mad at him more so than before. Now Tony was on a helicopter on the way to the underwater prison.

"So? You got the files?" Tony asked, "Let's reroute the satellites, start facial scanning for this Zemo guy"

"You seriously think I'm gonna listen to you after that fiasco I'm Leipzig?" Ross questioned, "You're lucky you're not in one of these cells"

Ross led the way to the cells, Tony able to see everyone on camera and then up close.

Clint began to clap, "The Futurist gentlemen! The Futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what's best for you whether you like it or not."

"Give me a break Barton" Tony said, "I had no idea they'd put you here. Come on."

"Yeah well you knew they'd put is somewhere Tony" Clint said

"Yeah but not some super-max floating ocean pokey" Tony responded, "This. Place is for maniacs. This is a place for.."

"Criminals? Criminals Tony. Think that's the word you're looking for. Right? That didn't used to mean me, or Sam, or Wanda, or Lydia, but here we are." Clint said, stepping closer to the glass

"Because you broke the law. I didn't make you" Tony sighed,"You read it, you broke it. You're all grown up, you got a wife and kids. I don't understand why didn't you think about them before you chose the wrong side?"

"You gotta watch your back with this guy" Clint said, "There's a chance he's gonna break it!"

Tony walked past Scott, Scott saying, "Hank Pym always said you never could trust a Stark"

"Who are you?" Tony asked

"Come on Man" Scott sighed

Tony walked to the next cell, holding Lydia who sat against the wall with her hands on her face. She removed them to look at Tony, the woman scoffing slightly before turning her back more.

"Lydia" Tony started, before stopping knowing she wouldn't listen. He went to the next cell, holding Sam.

"Hows Rhodes?" Sam asked

"They're flying him to Columbia Medical tomorrow" Tony answered, "so fingers crossed"

"What do. You need? They feed you yet?" Tony asked

"You're the good cop, now?" Sam asked him

"I'm just the guy who needs to know where Steve went" Tony said

"Well you better go get a bad cop. Because you're gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my ass" Sam said," to get information out of me"

"Well, I just knocked the A out of their AV. We got about 30 seconds before they realize it's not their equipment"

"Clearly I made a mistake, Sam, I was wrong" Tony said

"That's a first" Sam. Commented

"Cap is definitely off the reservation but he's about to need all the help he can get" Tony said, "We don't know each other very well, you don't have to.."

"Hey it's alright. Look I'll tell you, but you have to alone and as a friend" Sam said looking seriously at him

"Easy" Tony assured

"Stark?" Ross questioned, "Did he give you anything on Rogers?"

"Nope. Told me to go to hell" Tony answered, "I'm going back to the compound instead. But you can call me anytime. I'll put you on hold I like to watch the line blink"

About A Week Later

"Sam...?" Lydia questioned quietly one evening, at least she assumes it was evening as the food served looked something like a dinner. No one told her the time, or the day, or anything, she just assumed.

"Yeah Lids?" Sam responded almost immediately

The put the two close, but not close enough. Lydia wished she could reach through the wall and be in his cell, at least she wouldn't feel so alone.

"You know, remember when I used to say that we'd end up on the news? Used to tell my mom we'd be making headlines for saving the world and doing the impossible. That we'd be heroes? " Lydia started, hoping Sam was listening

"Of course I do, those were our dreams growing up, we used to make up adventures" Sam smiled slightly at the memory, though she couldn't see.

"When I said all that, I never imagined we'd make the news because of this. Everything that happened..what did we do...where did we go so wrong with it? Everything was okay why did it happen like this?" Lydia sighed "Our news are everywhere because they're saying we're criminals... If my mom saw this..."

"Hey stop it. Don't.. Don't do that to yourself. None of us pictured this, one minute we're saving the world the next we're being dragged down. And if your mom saw this, she wouldn't hate you, first she'd panic and want to see you, but then she'd talk to you and tell you how it's okay and that she knows what you did was because you knew in your heart it was right. She knows that Lydia. Trust me." Sam reassured the woman, hoping his words helped which they did"

"Sam, I just wanna go home. It's so close but so far"she whispered, wiping away stray tears

"Soon Pigeon I promise" Sam whispered back, wiping away a few tears himself as he knew no one else was awake to hear/see

Days later

"Priority call from Secretary Ross. There's been a breach at the Raft prison"

"Yeah put him through" Tony said

"Tony we have a problem" Ross said

"uh. Please hold" Tony said

"No. Dont-" Ross said before Tony ended the call

So no matter what, I promise you, if you need us, if you need me, I'll be there.

Steve Rogers had broken into the Raft prison, and freed his team.

Written: November 7, 2021
Published: November 7, 2021
Word Count: 966

Captain America Civil War is complete! How did y'all like it?
This also means that Hopelessly Devoted is complete! It's been a journey will this book but I'm very happy with how it came out!
Book 2 will come out soon which will follow Infinity War and Endgame! See y'all soon and thank you for all the love you've given to this book and to Lydia + Sam <3

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