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VII: The Vision

"I'm only gonna say this once" Steve started as he entered the lab, followed by Lydia, Wanda, and Pietro

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"I'm only gonna say this once" Steve started as he entered the lab, followed by Lydia, Wanda, and Pietro.

"How about none-ce?" Tony said, cutting him off

"Shut it down" Steve raised his voice slightly

"Nope, not gonna happen" Tony said

"You don't know what you're doing" Steve tried

"And you do?" Bruce questioned, joining in, "She's not in your head"

"Okay now hang on a minute guys" Lydia tried to reason,

"I know you're angry" Wanda said

"Oh. We're say past that" Bruce scoffed, "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade"

"Banner, after everything that's happened" Steve stepped forward

"It's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony said

"You don't know what's in there" Wanda said

"This isn't a game" Steve added

Lydia looked at Pietro for a moment, noticing how quiet he was being. She wasn't sure what to do as everyone just seemed to talk over each other. Suddenly Pietro ran, unplugging everything within a matter of seconds.

"No no. Go on" he said, dropping a cord," you were saying?"

Then a gunshot was heard, Pietro falling through the floor. "Pietro!" Wanda yelled

"What?" Clint said, "You didn't see that coming?"

"I'm rerouting the upload" Tony announced, making Steve throw his shield and Tony put on part of his Ironman suit, blasting Steve back

Wanda went to try and use her powers but Bruce grabbed her. "Go ahead, piss me off"

Steve and Tony began to fight as Lydia jumped out of the way, almost being taken down with the two of them. Wanda pushed Bruce off of her just as Thor came in. He have the crate an electric charge and then it blasted open, someone or something coming out from it

It went toward Thor who threw it and it paused by a window. Everyone quietly approached it as  they spoke

"I'm sorry. That was...odd" they said," thank you"

Hopelessly Devoted--> Sam Wilson{✔️}Where stories live. Discover now