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"How sweet they're talking about us on the news Sammy!" Lydia said, rolling her eyes as she flopped onto the couch next to him

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"How sweet they're talking about us on the news Sammy!" Lydia said, rolling her eyes as she flopped onto the couch next to him

"Truly so kind of them Lydia" He responded, eyeing the girl as she curled up next to him, "You alright?"

"Yeah.. Just tired" She said sounding defeated

The team was well, on the run, ever since the events at Raft prison. Sam and Lydia were in their own home, hidden away that only a few knew about. Everyone did their own thing basically, just avoided government.

"I'm just happy we're out of that prison, I looked horrible in that outfit" She laughed

"You know that's not the reason we're happy to be out, but you look good in everything" Sam smiled, the two enjoying the small moment they shared as the tv kept talking.

Lydia stood, going into their shared kitchen to see what to make for dinner.

"Oh fuck me" She groaned, slapping her hand on her head

"With pleasure" Sam smirked, walking up behind his lover

"Sam no i- we have to get something for dinner" She said, placing her hands on his

"We'll order in or something, like we did last week..." he spoke close to her ear, making the woman giggle

"Well Sam, are you excited to order in or what?" Lydia smirked, trying to look at the man as he began to kiss her neck

"You said and I quote Oh fuck me, so please, allow me"

Four days later

"Would you love me if I was a fish?" Lydia questioned one afternoon

"No" Sam responded,

"No?! That's it we're done" Lydia gasped dramatically, going to walk away before he pulled her back onto the couch

"That's not what you said-" he started before Lydia put a hand over his mouth

"Wilson I wouldn't-" She playfully glared

"Okay yes I'd love you and care for you if you were a fish. I'd buy you a nice castle too for your tank" Sam laughed

"Really?! Oh I knew you loved me" Lydia also laughed, the two then listing different animals and anything that came to mind.

One night, the two sat outside on their small balcony, Lydia was reading as she leaned against Sam's chest, the man reading over her shoulder.

"Hey pigeon? What if we got married one day?" Sam asked, smiling as he felt her tense up for a moment

"If you propose right now I swear-" Lydia started, turning to face the man

"Well not right now, but I'm just saying, what if" Sam explained

"Birdy, you're stuck with me forever, so regardless of what happens you're always gonna be mine" Lydia smiled, watching as the man blushed slightly

"You're cute when you blush you know" Lydia said, quickly pressing a kiss to his lips

Enjoy this bonus chapter I thought of today at school :)
- Em

Written: November 8, 2021
Published: November 8, 2021
Word Count: 492

Hopelessly Devoted--> Sam Wilson{✔️}Where stories live. Discover now