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Seven: Bird-Man

Seven: Bird-Man

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(Yes this chapter gets an extra gif because why not?)

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(Yes this chapter gets an extra gif because why not?)

As promised Sam did go and wake Lydia up once he finished cooking, only he gave her an extra few minutes as he got Steve and Natasha into the kitchen first.

"Hey, Lids. Breakfast is ready," the girl opened her eyes, rolling over to face Sam who was kneeling by the bed. "What did you make?"

"Eggs and some toast." He chuckled as her eyes opened before she closed them again, "Carry me?"

Sam shook his head at her before he scooped her up, making sure she was resting comfortably in his arms before going to the kitchen.

"Did she really fall asleep?" Steve laughed as he sat down,

"Yes I did Rogers" Lydia answered, making everyone laugh as Sam handed her a plate of food.

"So the question is, who at SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?" Natasha asked

"Pierce?" Lydia Marie suggested,

"Yeah. Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world. " Natasha spoke

As everyone discussed, Lydia joining every now and then as she ate and listened.

"The answer is, you don't." Sam said placing a file down on the table

"Oh my goodness is that the file that I think it is?" Lydia asked, suddenly very excited

"Don't scare them Lids, it's not everyday they see you this excited over a file" Sam joked, making Lydia pout as he gave her a small kiss on the head, standing behind her. The kiss of course didn't go unnoticed by the others but no one said anything.

"What's this?" Steve asked

"Call it a resume" Sam answered

Natasha looked surprised "Is this Bakhmala? The Khalid Khandil mission, that was you?" Sam nodded slightly, not even noticing how Lydia nodded as well, supporting her best friend.

"You didn't say he was a pararescue" Natasha spoke, making Lydia smile

"Is this Riley?" Steve asked, Lydia almost immediately reached behind her and placed a hand before Sam, to which he accepted.

"Yeah." he answered, Lydia rubbing her thumb gently on his hand.

"I head they couldn't bring in the choppers because of the RPGs. What did you use? A stealth chute?" She asked,

"No" Lydia answered for Sam before pointing to a paper, "He used those"

Steve looked at it before looking up at Sam, "I thought you said you were a pilot"

"I never said pilot" Sam smiled

"Look, I can't ask you to do this Sam" Steve started, Lydia silently agreeing, she feared for her best friends safety almost everyday, and she still did.

"You got out for a good reason" but Sam spoke up right away, "Dude. Captain America needs my help. There's no better reason to get back in"

"Where can we get our hands on one of these things" Steve asked,

Lydia looked from Steve to Natasha before seeing how Nat was smirking a the still connected hands of Sam and Lydia. Lydia pulled her hand back, Sam quickly dropping his as well.

"The last one is at Fort Meade. Behind three guarded gates and a 12-inch steel wall."

"Shouldn't be a problem" Steve answered

Lydia turned to Sam "What about the ones-?" she was cut off when Sam pulled her to the other room, "Those were a model, extra, not the best for flying"

"But you took me flying in those are you telling me we could've died?"

"No, even if you fell I would've caught you don't worry"

She smiled before walking back to the kitchen.

"Bird-Man lives on!" she cheered


Word Count: 592

A/N: Another double update ;)

Written; May 5, 2021
Published : May 5, 2021

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