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Graduation day was something everyone dreams over

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Graduation day was something everyone dreams over. Finally being done with school and moving forward in life. College, bigger and better jobs, being free. For Lydia, graduation was the best and worst day of her life. She was excited, but she was also terrified. She didn't know how to be independent half the time, so how was she suddenly expected to do it almost all the time?

Although she wasn't looking forward to graduation. Her and Sam seemed to fight a lot as it neared, especially over what he wanted to do with his future.

"Sam! I'm just saying, what if something,"

"See it's a 'what if' ! There's no chance it'll actually happen, please Lydia"

"And what happens if it does actually happen? Then what do we do? I can't risk losing you Sam"

"You aren't gonna lose me Lydia. I'm Sam Wilson, you can't shake me away even if you tried, just please, trust me, yeah?"

The smaller girl nodded, not wanting to fight and realizing that this would become reality no matter what she did. It's not like she could just ask it to stop and it would, life doesn't move that way.


"Well well well look at you"

Lydia hung her head as Sam approached her from her spot at the end of the stairs. She was wearing a slim red dress, ruby red shoes that had a small heel (she hoped to all above she wouldn't embarrass herself in them) and had her hair curled slightly.

"Maybe I should change- give me two minutes and-"

"No way! You aren't changing you look great, now cmon we gotta get to the school"

Lydia followed him to the car, and Sam acting like a goof bowed dramatically as he opened the door for her, helping her climb in.



And many more phrases were shouted as graduation caps soared through the air, laugher and screams echoing in people's ears as smiles filled once empty faces.

Lydia found her mom in the crowd and gave her a hug, her mother going on about how proud she was. They walked, finding Sam talking to his mom, who immediately stopped and all exchanged hugs with one another.

"Celebration dinner? Just us four"

"Yes please!" Sam practically yelled

The group laughed and moved to their cars, agreeing to meet at a restaurant near their homes.


That evening, as the moonlight shone down and sparkled on the grass outside, Lydia's mother was talking to Sam's as they shook outside their houses. When the parents went inside of Lydia's house, Lydia and Sam stayed outside, enjoying the peace outside.

The boy was nervous, having been working up the courage for hours, this was Lydia, his best friend, he could for sure do this.

And so,

Sam Wilson, without a second thought, turned to Lydia,

And pressed a sweet kiss to her lips.

And there the two stood, arms around one another under the inviting moonlight and stars.


Word Count: 498

Written: 2/27/21- 3/3/21

Published: 3/3/21

A/N: so, that happened :)

Hopelessly Devoted--> Sam Wilson{✔️}Where stories live. Discover now