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Lydia walked down the to the lab, wanting to see Clint after hearing about what happened

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Lydia walked down the to the lab, wanting to see Clint after hearing about what happened.

"How he is?" she asked as she saw Tony and Bruce

"Unfortunately,he's still Barton" Tony answered

"Oh God that's horrible" she responded,

"He's fine, he's thirsty" he said

Lydia found Natasha and Clint along with Dr. Cho. She walked over to Natasha and stood off to the side

"You sure he's gonna be okay?" Natasha asked, "Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together"

"There's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. His cells don't know they're bonding with simulacra" Dr. Cho explained, most of the words going over Lydia's head.

"She's creating tissue" Bruce explained, making Lydia nod gratefully in his direction

Tony walked in with drinks in his hands, "Oh he's flat-lining. Call it. Time?"

"No no no, I'm gonna live forever" Clint spoke, "I'm gonna be made of plastic"

"You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell a difference"

"I don't have a girlfriend" he said, sipping on his drink

"That I can't fix"

Lydia crossed her arms, leaning against the wall as Dr. Cho talked to Tony.

"Well you know, I expect to see you at the party tonight. You know Lydia set up everything for it" Tony said, looking in Lydia's direction

"I don't have time for parties like you do" She said before turning to Lydia, "But I'm sure you did wonderful"

Then she paused before asking, "Will Thor be there?"

"Why yes" Lydia smiled, "Yes he will"


Lydia sighed, staring at herself in the mirror.

"I don't know about this Nat, maybe I could just-"

"Nope, get ready. I'll see you downstairs and you're gonna look great"

Natasha left the room, leaving Lydia. She ran a brush through her hair once again, fixing it slightly so it layed nicer. After checking her dress and makeup, she walked out of the room.

The short black dress, stopping barely mid thigh, made her look stunning under the lights. She smiled looking at the crowd of people, as she fiddled with her fingers, a nervous habitat.

She spotted Sam over by the pool table, walking over to him and Steve. When she arrived, Steve smiled saying hello, which prompted Sam to turn around.

"Lids! You look" he paused, looking at his best friend, "Amazing. Wow"

Normally Lydia would've rolled her eyes or joked, but all she could do was smile and say thank you, surprised at how Sam was staring at her.

The girl made the choice earlier to not drink at all, she wasn't very big on it. So she just walked around talking to the team before sticking to Sam's side.

"Sounds like a hell of a fight. Sorry I missed it" Sam said to Steve,

"Yeah me too" Lydia added

"If I had known it was gonna be a firefight, I absolutely would have called. And Lydia I think you enjoyed being here more" Steve pointed out making the girl laugh

"No no I'm not actually sorry. I'm just trying to sound tough" Sam said, "I'm very happy chasing cold leads on our missing persons case"

"Avenging is your world" He said to Steve, Lydia sipping on her cup of soda as she leaned against the railing.

"You find a place in Brooklyn yet?" Sam asked Steve

"I don't think I can afford a place in Brooklyn" Steve said

"Well, home is home you know?" Sam said, slightly looking at Lydia

"Don't I know it" Lydia mumbled, also looking at San


Sam Wilson soon found himself a bit further away from the crowds, finding Lydia on her own.

"I was beginning to think I'd lost you" he called making her look at him and smile

"Now how could you ever lose me" She asked,

"I can't that's the issue" the two began to laugh quietly, stopping to each sip their drink.

"Hey Sam..." Lydia started, you can always run away after Lydia, she said to herself


"Um, can we talk about something?"

"Of course, what's up?" He asked, turning toward her

"Do you remember our graduation night? What happened outside?"

He nodded, promoting her to continue

"Well, we haven't talked about it since that night and I haven't been able to not think about it. It just comes to my mind all the time"

"It was stupid wasn't it? I'm sorry Lydia I knew I shouldn't have but when you didn't run away the next day I figured things were okay-"

She cut him off by quickly saying "I liked it"

Both froze in place, watching each other, as if silently guessing who would make the next move.

And suddenly, the two were leaning in and the background noise faded as her lips touched his. All worries, fear, second thoughts washed away. There was only happiness, love, passion.

They both pulled away moments later, still close to one another.

"With my luck, you probably won't even remember this tomorrow" Sam whispered

"Sam, I haven't even touched alcohol tonight...have you?" she asked, to which he shook his head no. Relief washing over his face

"My God I've wanted to that since, forever ago" she said

"The wait was well worth it Pigeon"

"Lydia Marie, will you be mine?"

"I've been yours since day one, but yes I will Sam Wilson"

The two smiled, his arms wrapping around her waist. They stood there for a moment, time seemed to slow before Sam spoke.

"I made the first move, don't let anyone forget that"

"Shut up and kiss me Wilson"

"As you wish"

And that's exactly what he did.


Word Count: 950

A/N: Let's throw confetti and celebrate
Hopefully you guys liked this!
- Em

Written: May 29, 2021
Published : May 29, 2021

Hopelessly Devoted--> Sam Wilson{✔️}Where stories live. Discover now