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V: Safe House

The group walked up to a very nice house in Lydia's opinion

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The group walked up to a very nice house in Lydia's opinion. Clint took lead while helping Natasha.

"Honey? I'm home" he called out

A women stepped out from a room, walking over to them.

"Hi. Company. Sorry didn't call ahead" he said to her, the two sharing a small kiss.

"This is an agent of some kind" Tony spoke

"Gentlemen, this is Laura"

"I know all of your names" Laura said, smiling at each one, Lydia attempted to return the smile but it wasn't much.

"Ooh incoming" Clint said

Two kids came running toward Clint, smiles on their faces. "Dad!" the younger girl greeted,

"Hi sweetheart" Clint said picking her up before pulling the other kid into their hug, "Hi buddy! How are you guys doing?"

"These are smaller agents" Tony said

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" the girl asked

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Natasha said, the girl running to her immediately.

"Sorry for barging in on you" Steve said

"Yeah we would have called ahead. But we were busy having no idea that you existed" Tony added on

"Yeah well, Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off SHIELDS files, I'd like to keep it that way"

As everyone talked, Thor stepped onto a small toy, the noise making Lydia look, as well as Steve.

"How's little Natasha, huh?" Natasha asked Laura

"She's.. Nathaniel" Laura gave a small smile to Nat, meanwhile Thor kicked the toy pieces under a chair, looking at both Lydia and Steve.

"Traitor" Natasha whispered to Laura's stomach.

The younger girl, Lila, approached Thor, staring up at him. Before he left the room, Steve following.


Lydia was given a change of clothes, thanking Laura before going into the bathroom and quickly changing. The girl ran a hand through her hair, trying to fix it in any way possible and splashed some water on her face before leaving the bathroom and going outside. She could still recall some of the weird dream she had seen, sighing deeply as she quickly went back inside to grab her phone that was on the table.

Steve and Tony stood chopping wood while Clint was on a part of the porch with his son. Lydia sat down in a chair Clint gave her, scrolling through her contacts before quickly pressing on Sam's. Watching as Steve ripped a piece of wood in half. While Laura called Tony for help, the man adding a "Don't take from my pile" to Steve. Lydia's phone rang, going to voicemail soon after. She called again and again, not getting through to him.

"Hey Lydia, try again in a minute, deep breaths" Clint said to her, noticing the panic on her face, she nodded in his direction, almost jumping when her phone rang. She read the contact name, answering immediately as she stood up and walked a bit down the porch.

"Hey sweetie, sorry I was in the kitchen, didn't hear my phone" Sam's voice came from over the phone, sending relief through her as she smiled

"Thank God" she whispered, "Its okay, it's okay, it's not real"

"What's not real?" Sam asked

"What happened to you"

"did something happen? What's wrong?"

"It's, hard to explain, don't worry I'm fine. I'm just, really happy you're okay" she said, hoping to calm her boyfriend

"I'll believe you...for now. So where are you?" he asked

"A safe place, got some stuff to work out with the team"

"Good, good. I can tell you wanna focus on something else so....wanna know what I saw on my morning run?"

"Yes please"

And the two spent the next fifteen minutes on the phone, Sam comforting her the whole time even though he truly had no idea he was. She sadly had to hang up, the team calling her inside.

"I'll call you later? Or soon, promise" She said,

"I'll be waiting" he smiled, the two saying their goodbyes before hanging up.


Word Count: 672
Written: June 18, 2021
Published: June 18, 2021

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