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Two: Boat Mission

Lydia zipped up her suit, a sigh escaping her lips as she brushed some hair out of her face and away from the zipper

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Lydia zipped up her suit, a sigh escaping her lips as she brushed some hair out of her face and away from the zipper.

"Agent Maria let's go!"

"It's Marie!"

Lydia stepped out of the small room where she had changed, a bored expression on her face when she noticed Rumlow had actually waited for her. She brushed past him, offended that he once again said her name wrong, she was positive he did it on purpose but Steve told her she was just being paranoid.

"It was an accident this time I'm sure" Steve spoke, noticing the women's expression.

"Sam wouldn't say it was an accident. Sam would understand" Lydia mumbled, but much to her dismay, she was heard.

"What's up with you and Sam by the way?" Natasha asked

"Nothing, friends remember? Don't we have a mission to focus on?"


"So did you do anything fun Saturday night?" Natasha asked the pair, Steve looked at her while Lydia shook her head

"No, I don't even remember what I did Saturday"

"Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead. So, no not really"

"Ya know, if you ask Kristen out from Statistics she'd probably say yes" Natasha said,

"That's why I don't ask!"

"Too shy or to scared?" Lydia asked in a teasing tone

"Too busy" he replied

"Was he wearing a parachute?" A man asked, a shocked tone to his question

"No. No he wasn't" Rumlow laughed, shaking his head

Lydia stepped forward, a parachute secure on her before she leaped out, suppressing a yell.

Once she landed on the ship, she immediately searched the deck, hearing grunts from the other side before seeing Steve walking toward her and Natasha who had just landed.


While Steve was off fighting someone, Lydia was searching for him and covering for Natasha. Lydia finally found Steve, watching from afar as he removed his helmet and answered the man before him before fighting again.

"Wow look at you go" Lydia spoke as she stepped in the room behind him.

"Well this is awkward" Natasha said, noticing the two

"She's backing up the hard drive," Lydia answered for Steve before he could say anything, he shot her a small glare before speaking

"Rumlow needed your help, if Natasha wasn't there you should've been" he turned from Natasha to Lydia who froze slightly in shock.

"Me? I was on the other end of this ship, doing my job, why are you mad at me?!"

Steve didn't answer her, only making the girl irritated.

"Our mission is to recuse hostages"

"No, that's your mission, and you've done it beautifully"

Steve grabbed Natasha's arm before she could walk away,

"You just messed up this whole mission"

"That's overstating things"

"Duck!" Lydia yelled, immediately running and trying to shield herself as did Steve and Natasha.

"Okay, that ones on me" Natasha answered

"You're damn right"

Steve stood up, and Lydia, slightly out of breath, looked at her,

"I'll take any fault, don't worry about it"


Word Count: 507

Written: March 15-21,2021

Published: March 21,2021

A/N: Thank you all so much for 902 reads!! ❤️

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