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・Two and a half years later・

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Two and a half years later

Break ups weren't fun at all. They sucked, especially if you really cared about the person and then you guys break up. It also sucks for the ones who watch it happen, who see their friend(s) go through the pain of it. Sam Wilson had a girlfriend, her name was Kristina. They dated for just about six months, but, during the almost seven month period, they broke up.

Sam was devastated. He really cared about her, and to see her break up with him, practically killed him, he questioned himself all the time, he even locked himself in his room for a day or so after it all happened.


"Hey bestie"

Lydia greeted as she took her normal seat on the couch next to Sam. Her and the boy were at her house for the day, as it was Saturday, watching TV and movies. Lydia had blankets and pillows thrown around, Sam had three bowls of popcorn and other snacks spread out on the table and couch.

"Hi again Lydia"

"Okay birdy, talk to me"

Lydia hated her seeing her best friend so upset, she'd fight a war just to see him smile again.

"Lydia I'm alright,"

"Mhm sure, then why do you keep sitting around all sad?"

He sighed, turning to look at the girl,

"I just wish I knew why she left me"

"Whatever her reason, I'm positive it wasn't good enough, what girl would just break up with you and not have a clear reason?? It's crazy!" Lydia ranted, not catching the small smile that formed on her friends face.

"Alright alright, I mean maybe she had a good reason, but I think I did everything right?"

"You did, you made all the time for her but also kept even times with friends and family, heck she even came along to hangouts, you treated her as if she was the most beautiful girl ever, and that's what a girl wants, well, most of them anyway"

Sam simply nodded, thanking his best friend for her words, he turned back to the TV, pulling Lydia into his side as he claimed her his 'cuddle buddy' for the day. No words needed to be said, they had each other at the end of the day and that's all they needed.

As Sam laughed slightly at the movie they were watching, Lydia couldn't help but feel guilty. She wasn't sure why she felt so guilty, she didn't do anything wrong, at least she didn't think she did.

Maybe she felt so guilty because according to Kristina, Lydia was the better match. Kristina had told Lydia herself one day after school.

"I don't want to tell him this, but I'm telling you so you understand, it's because of you. You didn't do anything, you've been nothing but supportive and kind, but it's clear as day, he's in love with you Lydia. Not me. Not anyone else. You. It's always been you."

Lydia couldn't bare to tell Sam about it, she knows she should've but she just couldn't. Just the fun of being hopelessly devoted to someone.


Written: February 20-27, 2021

Published: February 27,2021

Word Count: 532

A/N: I hope you are all doing well <3

Hopelessly Devoted--&gt; Sam Wilson{✔️}Where stories live. Discover now