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Sunday Funday

Lydia Marie was more than excited to finally have a day off

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Lydia Marie was more than excited to finally have a day off. Herself, Steve, Natasha and all of the new team had been working so hard, training and such, so when Steve said today they had time off for the day, Lydia ran with it.

She woke up at 9:30 am, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she sat up, only to be pulled down rather quickly.

"Mm stay here babe" Sam mumbled, wrapping his arms around her more as she was pulled into his chest. The woman looked up at him with a small smile

"Mm no, I'll go make breakfast and then come get you yeah?" She asked, already escaping his arms. The man huffed before nodding, opening his arms to allow her to get up. She left the room in her tank top and shorts, going into the bathroom to wake herself up more and then started to make breakfast in the kitchen.


As promised she went to get Sam once the food was ready, finding him getting up from bed and stretching, Lydia's eyes immediately found their way up and down his shirtless top, before she met his eyes and smiled

"Food's ready"

The two sat down in the kitchen and ate as Lydia explained to Sam what they needed to do before they could do whatever. First stop after eating was to go shopping since they needed food and then they were free.

After shopping and putting the food away, Lydia found herself sat in Sam's lap while they watched a movie, neither payed attention as one another's lips were much more interesting. Sam eventually broke the make out session, smirking at the flustered state of Lydia.

"What else did you wanna do today?" He asked, brushing a piece of hair away from her face.

"A lot, mainly you, but there's always the mall, ice cream shop, oh I saw this one outfit at-" she was silenced with a kiss

"Let's do that first suggestion" Sam said, already leading her to the bedroom.


The couple spent almost  the rest of the day after that cuddled up in bed with one another, both just talking about anything they wanted. You know how you get feeling and you can truly say you're safe, you just know it? That's how Lydia felt when she was around Sam. She had that feeling, hell she had all the feelings possible with him. They loved each other  more than anyone would or could ever understand.

"Can I stay here with you forever?" Lydia whispered, placing a hand on his chest as she looked at him

"Yeah, I'd like that" Sam replied, pressing a gentle kiss to her head

"You know, why did we ever wait so long to date?" He asked after a moment

"I don't think there's a real reason, we just didn't realize. Everyone else did before us, and then that night you, well you know" she smiled, cheeks turning pink as she fiddled with her fingers

"Was today better than that night" Sam asked quietly

"Much" she answered, the two laughing slightly as they layed together.

Everything was good. They were fine. The team was doing great, for now anyway.


I'm sorry I just, I had the sudden idea to write a whole cute chapter thing with these two last night as I rolled with it. Anyways, I love Lydia Marie and Sam Wilson

Word Count: 587
Written: July 27, 2021-July 28, 2021
Published: July 28, 2021

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