First glance

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"Oh my days, this bag is so heavy, I don't even know why I have to bring home mum's weights from the gym Simon was right there anyway" you rambled on staring at the ground walking home. "I always have to do everything even when Simon is free, he's older anyw-"

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING A*SHOLE" I screamed "YOU BUMPED INTO ME, SO DON'T CATCH AN ATTITUDE" I looked up at the figure and a pair of crimson eyes met mine. The person was a boy around the same age as me. His honey blonde hair stuck out like peaks as he towered over me (he was around 5"8 you are 5"5)

"I'M TALKING TO YOU, APOLOGISE FOR HITTING ME OR SHUT UP AND LEAVE" I interrupted him. My blood was boiling. Who did he think he was talking to me like that when he's in the wrong. His eyes were fixed on mine as he grew more and more frustrated.

I turned to see a group of people running towards us. There was three boys and a girl, the girl had pink skin and hair, one of the boys had spiky red hair, one of the other boys had blonde hair with one black section and the last boy had black hair.

"I'm so sorry about him" the pink girl started.
"I hope he wasn't rude to you, he has a short temper" the red haired boy added.
"Oh, don't worry he just bumped into me and was being a bitch" I replied
"I'M RIGHT HERE YOU KNOW" the first blond boy screamed.
"I know and I don't care" I said calmly watching him get more and more irritated.
"Oooo I like her, I'm Mina Ashido" the girl said
"I'm y/n Smith, nice to meet you" I giggled "you can just call me y/n though"
"I'm Eijirou Kirishima" the red haired boy said.
"I'm Denki Kaminari, but you can call me anytime" the blonde boy with the black strand said while trying to wink. I laughed at his cheesy pick up line as I shook his hand.
"I'm Hanta Sero, nice to meet you" said the black haired boy.
"And finally this grump is Katsuki Bakugou" Mina finished.
"It's lovely to meet you all" I said flashing a nice smile at them all. I felt a vibration from my pocket. It was my phone. My mum was texting me asking when I'm going to be home. I panicked.
"I have to get home now, but I would love to get your numbers" I said. They all agreed and we all exchanged numbers except Bakugou.
"Am I going to get your number too hot head??" I asked him
"Hmph, hell no" he said walking away. I ignored it and said bye to the group.

When I got home I was greeted by an angry mother.
"I went to go get the weights that you wanted" I answered curiously.
"LIAR! GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW, YOU'RE GROUNDED" she screamed at me.
"But why I didn't do anything wrong??" I asked.
"ARE YOU TALKING BACK TO ME??"she screamed slowing taking steps towards me causing me to step back "THAT'S IT GET THE F*CK OUT OF MY HOUSE"
"what do you mea-"
"I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU, HEARD YOU, OR EVEN SMELL YOU" she interrupted as she started walking towards me with pure anger in her eyes. "YOU WERE A MISTAKE YOU DISAPPOINTMENT" She started to speed walking towards me as I was stepping backwards hitting the front door.
She slammed the door in my face and locked it storming away into the house. I turned around walking towards the park as hot tears fell down my face. Turning the corner I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry my bad" I said wiping the blinding tears from my eyes.
"BRO ARE YOU STALKING ME OR SOMETHIN-" the familiar voice paused causing you to look up. It was Bakugou from earlier. "A-are you ok??" He hesitantly asked.
"Oh, I'm fine don't worry about it" I quickly responded rushing to gain composure.
"Are you sure?" He questioned
"Yeah, I'm fine I'm fine" I replied walking past him heading to the park.

A/n: this is my first story so excuse the spelling or grammar mistakes. Bye babes💕💕

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