Gerald's goons

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⚠️indirect mention of self harm⚠️
We all made our way back home. We walked into the living room and I let Shadow off his leash. He instantly ran towards Todoroki and Midoriya.
"Hiii buddy" Midoriya smiled petting him. Todoroki watched him blushing. I quickly got out my phone and took a picture.
"You guys are so cute" I smiled.
"Thanks n/n" Midoriya smiled.

I then went to my room. As I walked I smiled at the faint laughter of my friends in the distance. I got to my room and locked the door behind me. I went to the bathroom and sat in the bathtub fully clothed. I turned on the shower and sat there staring at the wall. I waited for any stress tears but they never came. I had ran out of tears to cry.

I had been sitting in the bath for about 30 minutes. I had makeup running down my face. I heard rummaging through my room but I ignored it. Suddenly Katsuki busted in and saw me sitting there. I didn't bother looking up at him. He walked over to me and turned off the shower.
"Babe are you ok?" He pulled me into his body but I quickly pushed him away.
"Move, I don't want you to get a cold" I said standing up and getting a flannel. I washed my face to get the rest of the makeup off.
"Katsuki can you leave?" I asked. His eyes widened.
"Please" I interrupted. He nodded and left the bathroom. I took off my wet clothes and stood there staring in the mirror.

I looked at my new scars from a few days ago. I had felt numb of most of my feelings and I wanted to feel something. I hear a knock on the door.
"N/n are you ok in there?" Katsuki asked softly. I didn't respond as I couldn't look away from my scarred body. "N/n you need to respond or I'm coming in" he said. I knew he'd be disappointed if he saw my scars but I didn't say anything. Part of me wanted him to see them.

He quickly opened the door and saw me standing there staring at the mirror. He looked me up and down, looking at every scar individually.
"Y/n what happened I thought you were getting better" he said sitting me on the sink. He passed me a towel to cover myself with.
"I-I was" I said with a shaken voice "I really was trying I don't know what happened" Katsuki stood between my legs and hugged me. I melted into his hug and rested on him for a few minutes. He simply rubbed my back and listened to what I said. I explained the numbness and what started it. He was very understanding and promised to not tell anyone.
"Ok y/n I trust you to stop doing it but if you do it again I'll have to tell Simon" he looked in my eyes.
"Fine I understand, but I'm going to stop this time I promise" I gave him a reassuring smile and he smiled back.

I felt better after talking to Katsuki about it and got up to get into warmer clothes. I walked into my room and searched my wardrobe.
"What are you looking for?" Katsuki asked.
"I ordered this blue tracksuit and its perfect for rn" I turned around to face him. He was sitting on my bed smiling at me. "What?"
"Nothing you're just really beautiful babe"
"Aww thank you, now help me look for it" I said. He groaned then got up to help.
"I FOUND IT" I shouted.

(If you don't like it imagine something else)

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(If you don't like it imagine something else)

I quickly changed then we both went back to the living room.
"Babe what took so long?" Mina asked cuddling with Kirishima.
"Oh I was finishing off some leftover homework" I lied. Katsuki and I sat on  the couch with the others.
"So what do you guys want for dinner?" I asked as Katsuki sat between my legs. I lightly rubbed his scalp.
"Y/n you're not making dinner" Todoroki said.
"Oh um why not?" I asked.
"Because you have a whole baby now you can leave the chores for us now" Midoriya said while Shadow was falling asleep on his lap.
"Oh don't worry I can still do it-"
"Y/N WE SAID NO" Midoriya interrupted me
"AND I SAID I CAN STILL DO IT" I shouted back at him. "How about this, I can cook 4 times a week then you guys can cook the other days"
"Fine" Midoriya scoffed.
"Why don't you want us to cook all the time?" Sero asked.
"Cause you guys won't put anything healthy in your food" I said
"We eat healthy" Kirishima lied
"Kiri I had to threaten you guys with no dessert for a week for you guys to eat your broccoli" I said.
"Yeah cause broccoli is gross tho" Katsuki said.
"You're all so weird" I said standing up.

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