welcome back?

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I woke up in an empty bed. I got up and heard voices downstairs. I walked down and saw Rai talking to another girl.
"Rai who's that?" She pointed at me. I walked closer towards her.
"Hi I'm Y/n" I extended my hand to her.
"Y-you're Y/n Smith" she stuttered "you're not dead"
"Why would she be dead" Rai asked
"Haven't you seen the news?" The girl asked
"Y/n what is she talking about?" Rai looked at me.
"Oh well um the reason I came here was because um I attempted to commit but it didn't work" I rubbed the back of my neck avoiding eye contact.
"You tried to commit what exactly?" Rai completely turned to face me.
"Suicide" I muttered.
"Y/N!" Rai shouted "what happened? What's going on?"
"I'll explain later, you have a guest" I said.
"Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name's Raven, I'm Rai's girlfriend" she smiled. I stepped back and looked at them both.
"Y/n don't-"
"OMG YOU GUYS ARE DATING, THAT IS SO PERFECT OMG" I interrupted Rai. Raven started laughing at my outburst. "Its so nice to finally meet you, Rai has told me so much about you" I lightly shoved her.
"Aww that's so sweet" Raven blushed at Rai as Rai smiled at her.
"That was the cutest thing I've ever seen" I smiled.
"Y/n you literally have a whole boyfriend- actually no husband" Rai said.
"How do you know that?" I asked
"You guys post each other nearly everyday and by your hand the fat ass diamond on your ring finger proves it"
"Ok I get you yeah I'm engaged"
"I thought you were 16" Raven said
"Oh I am, we're just both really whipped" I laughed
"Aww that's so cute" Raven smiled
"Yeah it is, well I'll let you guys alone" I left the room and went back to Rai's to get my phone.

I turned it on and I had hundreds of miss calls. My mum's call popped up on the screen and I answered it.
"Y/n where are you?"
"I'm safe"
"That isn't the right answer"
"Mum I know you're mad but I needed to leave to recollect my thoughts"
"I'm not mad I'm terrified, my daughter attempted yesterday and then mysteriously disappeared"
"I'm sorry"
"No don't apologise, I should be apologising to you I hurt you in a way that I can't even imagine I'm so sorry honey"
"Thank you mama, its fine, I can send you my address on one condition"
"What is it?"
"You can't tell anyone where I am not even dad"
"That is completely fine, send it to me now and I'll come over later"
"Ok mum see you soon"
"Bye sweetie" she ended the call.

I let out a huge sigh then walked back to my room. I took a shower and got ready.

(If you don't like it imagine something else)

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(If you don't like it imagine something else)

I walked around the house emptying all of the bins into a big trash bag. I avoid the room where the girls were in and went throw it outside.
"NO WAY" someone screamed. I looked up and Hawks flew down to me. "Y/n is that you?"
"Hey Hawks" I smiled but I was internally screaming.
"Omg y/n how are you feeling?" He pulled me into a hug.
"I'm feeling much better now" I hugged back.
"Good w-we all thought we lost you" he stuttered. I looked up at him and he had teary eyes.
"Well I feel better mentally so you won't be getting rid of me that easily"
"Great" he sniffed "this is your hideout isn't it?"
"When did you buy it?"
"A few months- wait how did you know I bought it"
"Cause if your parents did they'd be banging on your door and you have that kind of money"
"Well I'll let you rest" he said then extended his wings "stay safe" he called out then flew away. I waved at him then went back into the house.

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