"does this mean you want to break up"

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My body froze after he said the names. My heart fell but the whole thing made sense. I quickly checked the recording to make sure it was clear and it was. I then fix my face and composure to get ready to walk about into the room. I knocked on the door lightly and Shiggy turned to see me.
"Hii Shiggy" I smiled giving him a hug then sitting next to him.
"Hey n/n what are you doing here?" He smiled.
"I just wanted to make sure you're comfortable and happy here" I smiled "so what were you talking about before?"
"O-oh w-we were talking a-about U-um Mr compress" he stuttered.
"You were talking about mr compress?" I asked suspiciously.
"Yeah we were talking about how he's so attractive but he always wears a mask" he lied. (Can we talk about how sexy af mr compress is😍😍 fr he could rock my shit and I'd say thank you but we move😭😭)
"Oh ok well if you feel completely comfortable and confident speaking to miss Samantha (the therapist) then I'll be off" I smiled. "Thank you so much for letting me crash your session for a few minutes have a great day both of you"

I got up and ran out of the room. I ended up running straight to my car. I sat in my car and had to wrap my head around what I'd just heard. I can't believe they'd do that to us? How could they be rating us out to the league? I knew I have to waste time so it's not suspicious so I went to the grocery store to get more snacks for the house. I quickly paid and got into my car before driving to the house.

Everyone was still in the living room and they were all staring at me.
"Um hii guys" I awkwardly laughed
"Y/n where were you?" Katsuki asked.
"Oh I went to Shiggy's therapy session but everything seemed fine after so I went to the store to get snacks for everyone" I showed everyone the snacks and they quickly took their favourites and thanked me. Katsuki continued staring a hole into my head.
"Katsuki what's wrong?" I asked confused.
"Are you cheating on me?" He asked. Everyone paused and turned to look me. My whole world stopped.
"Of course I'm not cheating on you, I could never" I replied.
"Then why are you so nice to everyone?!" Katsuki asked slightly raising his voice.
"Katsuki you sound crazy right now" I said
"NO I DON'T YOU'RE A CHEATER" he screamed in my face.
"NO THE FUCK I'M NOT NOW STOP SHOUTING AT ME" I shouted back " I didn't even do anything wrong I don't know where this is coming from" I felt tears start forming in my eyes as my voice broke.

I quickly ran to my room and broke down into tears. How could he say something like that? I've never done anything to make him doubt my love.

Katsuki's POV

"NO I DON'T YOU'RE A CHEATER" I shouted at her.
"NO THE FUCK I'M NOT NOW STOP SHOUTING AT ME" she shouted back. Her eyes started to get glossy. "I didn't even do anything wrong I don't know where this is coming from" her voice cracked and she ran up to her dorm. Everyone looked at me disgusted.
"Why the fuck would you do that?" Alien said slapping me across the head. I didn't have the strength to argue with her as I was still processing the huge mistake I just made.

"Bakubro what was that?" Shitty hair asked disappointed.
"I-I I don't know" I stuttered.
"We all know that y/n would never do something like that" Deku said.
"And we all know that y/n has horrible mental health problems and things like this could set her off" half and half said.
"As her fucking boyfriend you knew that yet you ruined all her progress for the past few months with just a few words" ponytail scoffed.
"Bakugou you really fucked up" soy sauce face said.
"YOU BETTER LOWER YOUR TONE CAUSE YOU'RE THE ONE IN THE FUCKING WRONG NOT US" Alien shut me up "she literally gave you anything you ever wanted, she buys you gifts, she cooks us dinner EVERY SINGLE DAY, she has a great relationship with your parents, she puts up with your aggressive ass, she takes care of us, SHE STAYED WITH YOU AND DIDN'T EXPLODE ON YOU IN PUBLIC WHEN SHE QUESTIONED YOU FOR CHEATING" she continued. "THE POOR GIRL WAS BEING WATCHED BY A 20 YEAR OLD PSYCHO AND INSTEAD OF SULKING SHE DID SHIT ABOUT IT AND PUT AWAY THE WHOLE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS"

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