reflecting on the past

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⚠️mention of mental disorders and self harm ⚠️
"Are you ok?" Aizawa asked
"Yeah I'm fine why?" I replied.
"I'm starting to see a trend of unfortunate events concerning you" he sighed
"Yeah but it's fine I can handle it" I smiled
"Y/n I've watched you nearly kill several people and actually kill one, I don't think everything's fine" Almight said
"I said I'm fine don't worry about it" I said
"As your principal to keep you and the other students safe we need to help you with your problems" Nezu said
"And what problems exactly?" I asked
"From being around you I've collected you have PTSD, an eating disorder and some form of anger issues causing you to self harm." Aizawa said
"Who tf said I self harm?"
"Y/n I've seen your arms and thighs" Katsuki said looking at me disappointed.
"And instead of coming to me and talking about it you went to teacher and told him?" I looked at his disgusted.
"I'm sorry I just didn't know what to do" Katsuki sighed. I walked over to the table sat down and put my head.
"Y/n what are you doing?" Almight said
"I'm doing some breathing exercises I don't know why but this room is getting really stuffy" I put my head up "actually I'm just going to go back to my dorm" I said getting up to leave.
"Y/n please listen-" Katsuki started. I put up my middle finger at him and continued walking.

I got into my car and drove back to the dorms. Everyone was happy doing their own thing around the house. I slumped into my room and quickly changed and got into bed. 'Why would he tell Aizawa before even talking to me about it? Fr like who does that? What if he told other people in the class?' my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" I shouted from the covers.
"Its Katsuki"
"Go away"
"Y/n please just hear me out"
"You could have gotten me put in a mental hospital, then I wouldn't be able to do any of the few things that bring me joy so NO I'm not hearing you out"
"Y/n please"
"I don't you understand how serious this is, YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME"
I screamed flinging open the door to see him and Aizawa standing there.
"Y/n what do you mean by that?" Aizawa asked.
"Barely anything makes me happy and if you took that away I can guarantee I would have ended it all" I said. I started closing the door but Aizawa stopped it.
"Y/n if you're ever going through anything you can tell me" he said with sadness in his eyes.
"I don't want your sympathy" I said slamming the door. I walked back into bed and tried falling asleep. Aizawa and Katsuki kept on knocking but I would just ignore it. After 5 minutes I had fallen asleep. Aizawa opened the door with a spare key and him and Katsuki walked in.
"Oh she's asleep then I'll talk to her later" Aizawa said leaving. Katsuki sat next to me.
"Y/n I'm so sorry" he said rubbing my arms.
"I don't care" I mumbled scooting away from him. Katsuki left the room but soon came back in pyjamas. He locked the door and windows and layed next to me.

"I'm truly sorry my love" he whispered cuddling into me.
"I know" I smiled. I fell asleep with him rubbing my back.

Katsuki's POV

She fell asleep laying on my chest. I rubbed her back slowly to ease her into rest. She snuggled into me as she slept. Wow she's so naturally beautiful. I need to get a picture of this. I took out my phone and saw her smiling as my lock screen. I quickly unlocked it and took a picture of her making it my new lock screen.i wasn't tired but I wanted to be around n/n so I went through my socials.

After about an hour I got bored and started going through my gallery. N/n always sents me pictures when she takes them.

 N/n always sents me pictures when she takes them

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