the new guy

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⚠️mention of rape⚠️

I walked back to Mina's room and continued cuddling with the girls.
"So is he dead yet?" Mina started
"Nah she didn't let us kill him" Katsuki complained walking back into the room sitting with Kirishima.
"Why not?" Jiro asked snuggling into my neck.
"Cause it felt wrong I don't know" I answered.
"Fine but if he tries something like that again he's dead" Momo said making a pistol.
"WAIT I THINK I JUST FELL IN LOVE" I screamed watching it fall out of her arm.
"Wow so I'm just invisible now" Katsuki whined
"Oh shush you know I love you more" i rolled my eyes at him.
"True" he smiled. We all continued talking and playing games. It was around time for dinner and I was too lazy to make dinner.
"Do you guys want to order dinner?" I asked.
"Sure what did you have in mind?" Sero asked.
"I don't mind, I'll go ask everyone else" I said getting up to ask our other classmates. It quickly hit me that that it would take ages to go around the house and ask so I just walked to the centre of the house. "EVERYONE COME TO THE WEAPONS ROOM WE HAVE TO TALK" I screamed then walked to the room. Everyone quickly came running.
"What happened?"
"Are you ok?"
"Should I call Aizawa?"
"How about Simon?" everyone asked out of breathe.
"I just wanted to ask what you guys wanted to order for dinner" I laughed. Everyone rolled their eyes at me and flopped onto the couch. "So any suggestions?" I asked.
"How about we get ramen?" Katsuki suggested.
"WAIT I HAVE AN IDEA" Mina screamed. "How about we all get dressed up and go to a nice restaurant?"
"Omg yesss that would be so fun" Momo giggled.
"Sure" I agreed
"So you're too tired to cook but you can get dressed nice and go to a restaurant?" Katsuki asked
"And what about it?" I glared at him. He looked at me shocked then got up and picked me up.
"We're all going you guys have 2 hours" he said taking me out of the room. We walked to my room and he locked the door behind him and put me on my bed.
"What do you want Bakubitch" I laughed.
"Watch your mouth" he said putting his hand on my neck squeezing it slightly.
"I- uh um" I stuttered.
"Quiet now are we?" He smirked.
"Shut the fuck up and go get ready" I laughed push me off me, walking to my wardrobe.
"Fine love you" he said leaving my room. I smiled and continued looking for a dress.

~time skip~

We all finished getting ready.

We all finished getting ready

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Tsu's dress

Tsu's dress

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