fast recovery

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Y/n's pov

"Boys what do you want for dinner?" I
"How about soba" Todoroki suggested.
"Ok help me find the ingredients Todo" I said pulling him away from the group. We turned the corner into a different isle "so what's going on with you and Midoriya?"
"O-oh we are going on a date next Saturday" Todoroki nervously replied
"Omg I'm so happy for you where are you going?"
"We're going on a picnic"
"Omds yes I'll pay for everything" I squealed handing him £100 in cash. Todoroki froze and looked at me confused.
"N/n I can't take this from you" he said pushing my hand away.
"I said I'll pay now take the money" I said grabbing onto his collar. His eyes widen and he took the money.
"Thank you and have fun" I said letting go with a smile. We continued getting the ingredients for the soba while the others got snacks and random groceries.

Shigaraki's pov

'I can't believe they don't think I can get y/n she is my wife she even spoke to me that means we are made for each other' I thought walking down the road. I put on my hood and continued walking straight. I saw a familiar boy walking into a store. It was y/n's boyfriend Bakugou. He looked like he was with other people. 'Maybe he's cheating on my love then I'll kill him and she'll be mine yes that's the plan let me follow him' I thought going into the store behind him.

To my surprise he was in a group and there was a girl with him. I quickly took a picture of them all then followed the girl. She must die for ever trying to make my love sad. I got a closer look at her and realized that she was my love. Her body looks amazing in her light leggings. I continued staring at her until I felt my trousers get tighter. She then dragged Todoroki into another isle. I decided to follow her.

"OMDS ITS YOU" Midoriya screamed pointing at me. I froze.

Y/n's pov

"OMDS ITS YOU" cutie screamed. Todo  and I ran in his direction to see what was happening. We turned corner and Todo froze in fear.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW?" I shouted at Shigaraki.
"H-hello my love" he stuttered. I looked him up and down and my eyes widened at his trousers 'damn he's packing WAIT NO Y/N WHAT ARE YOU THINKING FOCUS' I thought.
"SHE IS NOT YOUR LOVE" Katsuki screamed.
"YES SHE IS SHUT UP LITTLE BOY" Shigaraki yelled back. They both stepped towards each other ready to fight.
"Run to the other side of the store and call Aizawa" I whispered to Todo "take Midoriya and Sero with you" he nodded and they ran away. Katsuki started to spark explosions while Shigaraki took off his gloves. I quickly ran between them pushing then away from each other.

They both ran at each other with attacks forgetting I was there.
"STOP!" I screamed
I was stood in the middle of the crossfire. "FUCK!" I screamed as one of Katsuki's explosions hit me. "AHHHHH" I yelled as Shigaraki touched my hand. They both froze and looked at me screaming.

Aizawa ran in and saw me screaming. My hand was bleeding and my skin was peeling. I grabbed Shigaraki's shirt. "WHAT DO I DO TO STOP IT!" I cried. He looked at me shocked.
"Y-you can't stop it" he said scared. I let go of him and ran out of the store. I bumped into my mum on my way out.
"I'm so sorry miss" I said in tears.
"Aww honey what's wrong?" She said pulling me into a hug. She let go and I showed her my hand. She quickly started healing it and wrapped it in bandages.

I went back into the shop and saw Shigaraki and Katsuki fighting again. Aizawa then erased their quirks and they started fist fighting. I walked between them and they stopped. They both looked at me worried. I slapped them both in the face hard. They both held their sore cheeks. I grabbed both their ears and dragged them out if the store struggling. I walked across the road to a nearby park. I sat them both down and they looked up at me confused.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you both right now" I said
"You love me too much" Katsuki replied.
"You're my love" Shigaraki replied. I slapped them both again.
"I'm going to start with you Katsuki" I said sitting on the bench across from them. Aizawa walked next to me and sat down. "You are my boyfriend and yes I do love you, BUT I WILL KILL YOU THE NEXT TIME YOU DO SOME DUMB SHIT LIKE THAT AGAIN HE COULD HAVE KILLED YOU AND THEN WHERE WOULD I BE" I shouted. I quickly gained composure again "and you, Shigaraki I need you to listen to me closely" I said and he sat up. "I am not interested, number one you are a villain and I'm a hero, number two I have a boyfriend-"
"AND YOU'RE TOO FUCKING OLD FOR HER" my dad said from behind me.
"There won't be a next time" I said calmly. Everyone looked at me confused. "I have an offer for you babe so you go to jail now and I'll come and visit you as frequently as I can to make sure you're not lonely or I'm forced to kill you now"
"S-she called me babe, SHE CALLED ME BABE" Shigaraki said jumping up.
"SIT YOUR OLD ASS DOWN AND CALM TF DOWN" my mum screamed and he quickly sat back down.
"So your answer?" I smiled.
"I'll go to prison if it means I get to see you frequently and you actually talk to me" he swooned.
"Ok good" I said walking over to him. I sat next to him and he smiled at me sweetly. I looked at his neck and a worried look washed over my face.
"What happened to your neck?" I asked.
"Oh I just scratch a lot" he answered.
"Ma can you please heal him" I asked.
"And why tf would I ever do that" she snapped at me.
"Because you love me" I smiled and my eyes twinkled.

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