In it together??

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It has been a few weeks since the entrance exam and I've really anxious about if i got in it not. Me and Katsuki decided to open out letters together when they get here and we've been spending more time together to stay distracted and pass time.

Today was a lazy day. Katsuki is coming over later to chill and watch movies. I got up got ready cause I have to get some snacks for us later. I showered and did my morning routine. I picked out an outfit then straightened my wig.

 I picked out an outfit then straightened my wig

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I then put on my shoes and started walking to the shopping centre

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I then put on my shoes and started walking to the shopping centre. I went around buying snacks and skincare for us to try together and just random things that look nice.

"Y/N IS THAT YOU?" a familiar obnoxious voice called out. You already knew who it was and continued walking to the next shop. You heard fast foot steps coming towards you so you started speeding up. Eventually they grabbed you and turned you around. Just before they did so you sent you location to a group chat with Mina, Kirishima and Katsuki and also to Simon.

"Where do you think you're going?" they smirked tightening their grip on my wrist.
"Wtf do you want Gerald?" You try to free yourself from his grasp but he has a firm hold on you.
"I want you sweetie" he reached out to caress your face but you slapped his hand away.
"Don't fucking touch me, you are my ex for a reasonso leave me tf alone"
"Wow you're trying had to get, nobody else would ever want a dirty nigger like you besides me" his gaze pierced into my eyes. "We are made for each other you are mine forever-" you kneed him in the balls and he fell to the ground.
"Don't ever call me that again you dirty ass only takes a shower once a week ass I can't wash my own boxers ass racist misogynistic ass bitch" you started walking away but he grabbed your ankle. You then kicked him in the neck with you free foot. From a distance you saw everyone you texted before running in your direction. Once they reached you Mina tackled you into a hug while Simon stood over Gerald.
"GERALD WHY TF ARE YOU STILL FOLLOWING HER?" he screamed then he realised he was completely knocked out. He turned to see Mina, Kirishima and Katsuki surrounding you making sure you're ok.
"Y/n what did he want now?" Simon asked giving you a hug. You melted in his hug and broke down into cries. The others stood there in shock as they had never seen you cry like that before.
"Babe who is this guy?" Katsuki asked hugging you when Simon let go. You soon gained composure and explained that he was your abusive ex boyfriend through sniffles. Katsuki's eyes turned red in anger but I assured him that it's fine and I took care of him.

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