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~Time skip~


It has been two weeks since that night. I haven't heard from Bakugou at all and it slightly worried me but I brushed it off. There was a month left of summer holidays and I needed to start training for the U.A entrance exam. This could be my way to finally impress my mum and win over her love.

I woke up energised and went to get ready to train. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and washed my face. After throwing on some workout clothes I sat at my dresser but my braids into a bun.

 After throwing on some workout clothes I sat at my dresser but my braids into a bun

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(Just an suggestion if you don't like it imagine something else)

I walked down to the kitchen to make a smoothie. "Blueberries, bananas, blackberries" I muttered to myself searching for the ingredients.
"Ooooo breakfast smoothie!!" Simon called making me jump.
"You're lucky I'm being nice today" I smiled adding extra ingredients for him too.

~time skip~

I set my timer and started running. I began running 2 hours every day to get fit for the entrance exam as my quirk can be unreliable. I ran past the park having a quick flashback of the night with Bakugou but was brought back to the reality as I bumped into someone. I fell to the ground but quickly got back up. "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I pleaded offering my hand and wiping myself of.

"Oh it's fine don't worr- y/n is that you??"
I looked at the person staring at a familiar face. "Omgg Mina!!" I screeched giving her a hug. "How have you been??"
"I've been good I was just about to meet up with the boys what about you?"
"I'm fine I was just going for a run"
"Omg you have to come with me"
"No it's fine I don't want to intrud-"
"You have to pleaseee" she begged
"Fine lets go" I gave in. We walked to the nearby cafe catching up. We walked in and were immediately spotted by Kaminari, Kirishima and Bakugou. Their eyes widen as they saw me approaching them.

"Guess who I ran into" Mina started.
"Hiii guys" I said locking eyes with Bakugou giving him a warm smile

Bakugou's pov

It was been 2 weeks since I met y/n and I can't get her out of my mind but I'm too scared to text her. Ugh I don't have time to be focusing on girls i should be training for U.A even if she's perfect with her beautiful brown eyes that sparkle in the moonlight. Ew yuck what am I saying. I got out of bed and quickly got ready. I was planning on meeting Shitty Hair and the rest of the dumbasses later. I didn't even want to go but Alien girl is forcing me.

~time skip~

I walked into the cafe and saw Shitty hair and Sparky. They were talking about dumb shit while I drifted off thinking about texting y/n and seeing her again. Suddenly the foor swung open and I got a whiff of cocoa butter and vanilla. I knew that smell and quickly turned my head to face the door. There she was. She was wearing workout clothes with a single drop of sweat falling down her gorgeous face. Her and Mina walked over to us smiling. "Hiii guys" she said making eye contact with me giving me a big smile. I felt my face get hot as I started blushing frantically.

 I felt my face get hot as I started blushing frantically

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Back to y/n's pov

He started blushing and I start giggling as Mina hugged Kirishima and he put her arm over her shoulder. *gasp* " are you guys together??" I asked.
"Yh, we've been together for a few months now" Mina said as Kirishima blushed.
"Awww you two look so cute together" i said
"Do you have a boyfriend y/n??" Denki asked
"No I don't" I answered.
"Oh that's cool" he replied smirking placing his arm around me.
"Umm I'm not looking for one either" I said sliding away causing me to bump into Bakugou who was frowning. 'Was he hurt by what I said??' I thought. "Actually I would like one and I already have an idea who I want it to be" I added smiling at Bakugou who turned a darker shade of red.
"Oh cool cause I was planning on asking you out anyway but we can just start dating now if you want" Denki continued oblivious of what I meant.
"DUMBASS SHE MEANS ME" Bakugou shouted pulling me into a hug by my waist. My smile grew knowing he felt the same way.
"I don't think so Bakugou I think she likes me" Denki said grabbing my wrist dragging me close to him putting his hand on my lower back slowly moving down.
"Woahhh keep your hands to yourself" I push his hand of me.
"But you're my girl now" Denki pleaded.
"No I'm not I never agreed to that I'm sorry but Bakugou is right I only like you as a friend" I looked at Denki with remorse and saw anger grow in his eyes as I spoke.
"Well you're ugly anyway black bitch!" Denki screamed at me storming out. The whole cafe went silent as I processed what just happened. A second later I got up securing my bun stomping out the cafe to catch up with Denki. When I left the cafe he was still outside texting someone.
"Wtf did you just say to me!!" I screamed at him.
He looked up to see me walking to towards him "I said you're a ugly black bitch" he replied. Bakugou, Mina and Kirishima rushed outside and heard what he said. Bakugou was fuming he put his hand out to blast Denki but I stopped him.
"Its fine I can handle him myself" I said giving him a reassuring smile. He put his hand down and walked over to Kirishima.
"You can't handle shit nigg-" I punched him in the face and he fell to the ground. "WHO TF DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU DUSTY BITCH" I yelled stomping him with every word. "YOU EVER SAY THAT RACIST ASS SHIT AGAIN AND I'LL KILL YOU"
"No you won't you dumb nigger" he said with his head in his knees on the ground. Everyone around gasped and my eyes turned red with anger. Denki tried to electrocute but before he could i slammed my foot on his fingers as he screamed in pain. I began to levitate using my quirk on him and his eyes turned black. "GET UP NOW" he obeyed "You will apologise now and never even fucking think of repeating that shit again" I said. He nodded and I returned to the ground releasing him from the trance. He looked at me confused and I slapped him across the face one more time before checking my mini mirror and calmly walking back to Bakugou, Mina and Kirishima.

They stood there frozen in shock. "I'm tired I might start going home" I said smiling for a response but they just stared at you. "Um is everything alright??" I asked. We stood there in silence for what felt like forever until..

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