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~time skip~

I woke up on the couch cuddling Jazzy. Everyone except my parents  were asleep on the other couches. I sat up with Jazzy on my chest and looked around. Once I was actually awake, I layed her back down and put the blanket over her. I stood up and realized I was still wearing my swimsuit. Then I remembered that we all fell asleep once we dried off. It was cold so I slipped on the robe and walked to the kitchen.

I started making iced coffee. I heard steps behind me and quickly identified them.
"Good morning babe" Katsuki kissed my cheek.
"Good morning" I smiled "do you want coffee?"
"No thank you" he rested his head on my shoulder.
"Ok well, Aizawa is coming at 3 so I'm going to meet Stain now" I finished making my coffee.
"I'm coming" Katsuki shot up. I put the glass down and turned around to face him.
"Katsuki if you don't stop this jealous ass shit I'm going to-"
"Do what?" He looked down at me.
"Do-" I slipped on some split water and fell on my ass.
"No you're going to do what?" He leaned down to my level
"I'm going to leave" I got up and picked up my coffee.
"What do you mean leave?" He straightened up. I ignored him and started walking away "do you mean leave like the room, or like the town or leave me?" He followed me. I stayed silent drinking my coffee "y/n I'm not playing" he said sternly. I smirked as I got to my room. I walked in and he followed me in.

I sat at my desk and put the coffee down.
"Y/n leave what?" He stood behind me. I didn't answer and turned it on "I'm not playing with you, answer the question" he growled behind me. I took out my notes and started making a PowerPoint for the first years. Katsuki stood behind me and watched.
"Y/n you can ignore me" he spun the chair so I'd face him

"Y/n you can ignore me" he spun the chair so I'd face him

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"Who or what are you leaving?" He got in my face. I pulled him forward and kissed him. I felt him relax and kiss back. He tried to deepen it but I pulled back. He stood there blushing while I turned back around and faced the computer.
"T-that doesn't answer my question?" He said. I looked back at him and opened my mouth like I was going to say something. Then I closed it and turned back around.
"Y/nnn" Katsuki whined "just answer me" I ignored him "fine then" he pulled back my chair and stood in front of me. I looked up at him.

He sat on my lap in an attempt to crush me. I smiled and held into his waist. Then I ran my hands up to chest and squeezed his breasts
"You're not supposed to like this" he rolled his eyes then got up. I continued the PowerPoint in silence. Katsuki sat on my bed watching at me.

Once I was done I checked the time and it was 10am. I turned around and saw Katsuki staring at me. I got up and made him lay down on my bed. He looked at me confused then I sat on his lap. He smirked up at me. I grabbed a throw blanket and put it over my back. Then I fell forward and layed on Katsuki. He looked down at me confused then understood when he saw my eyes close.

I woke up an hour later with Katsuki awake rubbing my back while on his phone. He noticed me waking up and quickly threw his phone aside.
"What was that about?" I looked at him confused
"Look you're talking to me again" he avoided eye contact.
"Katsuki who was that?" I sat up
"N-no one" he said
"Can I see please?"
"Sure" he picked up the phone and started using it.
"What are you doing?" I snatched the phone from his hands. I looked at the screen and there was nothing there. "Bakugou I'm not an insecure girlfriend" I stood up "if you're not feeling me anymore then just say that and leave me" I walked over to my closet.
"Nooo, its not that at all" he followed me
"Ok" I said
"Y/n I'm not cheating on you"
"Ok I believe you" I picked out an outfit "that just looked very suspicious"
"Yeah, but I would never"
"Good to know" I took off the robe I was wearing and threw it onto my bed. I then picked up a shower robe and went to the bathroom.

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