will you go on a date with me??

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Mina, Kirishima and Bakugou stared at me in shock as I smiled calmly at then waiting for a response. Suddenly Bakugou dropped to his knees grabbing my hand in the process. "Marry me now" he demanded. I giggled at his strange behaviour helping him up.
"Sure" I answered messing up his hair.

Bakugou's pov

She just beat the shit out of Sparky and didn't even break a sweat. She looks so beautiful pounding his face in as the sun made her delicate skin glisten. Shit what am I saying but for real she looks hot fucking him up. Woah all of a sudden she started floating and she eyes started glowing gold. I think it's a reaction of her quirk. That's hot. After controlling Sparky she dropped down on the ground completely unbothered as Sparky crashed to the ground knocked out. I froze. Did she just kill him?? How did she do that?? How isn't she angry anymore?? Why is she checking her mirror?? She walked over to us smiling like nothing happened. I tried to speak but we were all frozen. Then I dropped to my knees demanding her hand in marriage. She gave me a bright smile helping me back up. "Sure" she said playing with my hair. Don't worry y/n one day you will be mine. I wrapped my arm around her waist as she leaned on my shoulder. Alien and Shitty Hair soon came back to reality clearly shaken up but they assured us that they were ok.
"I might start heading home now, I'm kinda tired" y/n said yawning.
"L-let me walk you home" I suggested
"Sure of course let's go" she said saying bye to the other two holding onto my hand tightly as we made our way to her house. Midway I stopped causing her to pause and looked at me confused. I built up all my courage and asked "Will you go on a date with me??" I looked into her eyes to try and read her emotions and she looked at me shocked. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" I began quickly apologising.
"Bakugou I'd love to go on a date with you" she hugged me tightly with a huge smile plastered across her face.
We walked to her house uncontrollably smiling

Y/n's pov

Oh my gosh he asked me out!! I like him so much and he makes me so happy. Oh my days what will I wear. Why can't I stop smiling. I must look so dumb rn. I looked up at Bakugou and he had a huge smile plastered on his face. I gently squeezed his hand and he turned a light pink.

~time skip~

Eventually we got to my house. I sighed at the sight of my mum's car in the driveway. "Thank you for walking me home Bakugou" I said slowly letting go of his hand.
"Katsuki, call me Katsuki" I smiled.
"Ok Katsuki" I replied giving him a kiss on the cheek and left into my house.

I was met by everyone staring at me. My mother was frozen in shock while my dad and Simon looked at me in disbelief. "Who was that boy you just kissed?" my mother started removing her gaze from me.
"Oh he's my b-boyfriend" I hesitated, unsure of their reaction. Suddenly my dad and Simon made a run for the door flinging it open to reveal Katsuki on the phone. "YO" Simon screamed. Katsuki rapidly turned to face then pointing a finger at his chest. "Yes I mean you get in here now" Katsuki ended the call and walked into the house taking off his shoes and placing them with the others. He saw me and smiled sitting next to me squeezing my hand in reassurance. Simon then squeezed between us glaring at Katsuki.

Bakugou's pov

Y/n's brother shot me a villainous glare. "So I hear you're my daughter's boyfriend" her dad started giving me a stern look. Wow she told her family that I'm her boyfriend. I'm never going to let her go.
"Yes, I am sir" I responded
"Katsuki Bakugou"
"What are your intentions with my daughter"
"To love her and treat her with respect sir"
"Good quirk well that's all my questions love, Simon do you have anything to say"
"No dad I'm good" her brother replied
"Nope" said her mum as she dragged her husband out of the room with a smile. Simon turn to me.
"Yo I'm Simon her older brother if you hurt I'll kill you and turn myself for credit"
"I know I would do the same" I said. His eyes softened slightly. "I like him" he said to y/n as he got up going upstairs. I looked over at y/n that gave me soft smile.
"I'm so so so sorry" she started wrapping her arms around my neck.
"No don't apologise its fine" I returned the hug.
"Well that went better than I thought she said as she pulled away. "Do you want to go to my room and play my wii" I nodded and we ran up to her room excited.

 "Do you want to go to my room and play my wii" I nodded and we ran up to her room excited

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I gasped as I entered her highly decorated room

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I gasped as I entered her highly decorated room. I knew she had a big house but her room was ginormous with an attached bathroom. It looked big from outside but I never thought it would be this big on the inside. Y/n stared at me as I was in awe.

Y/n's pov

When we entered my room Bakugou let out a huge gasp. I turned around to see her scanning my room in amazement. He looked so adorable when he's shocked. After a few minutes his eyes met might again and I walked over to my tv setting up the Wii and flopped down onto my beanbag. He joined me putting his arm around me. Once we picked a game with got up and started playing

~time skip~

"Wow you're so bad I literally destroyed you" I chuckled
"SHUT UP DUMBASS I WON" Bakugou yelled. I laughed at his out burst walking over to my bed with his hand in mine. We both laid down turning on Netflix starting a new series we both wanted to watch. After hours of watching I slowly started to fall asleep. I quickly opened my eyes fighting sleep looking at a snoozing Bakugou on my chest. I watched him sleep adorably for a few seconds then turned off the tv and putting on my bonnet before falling asleep in Bakugou's arms.

A/n: thank you so much for 50 reads💕. I appreciate it so much, have a good day cuties🥰

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