freeing Bakuhoe

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I woke up with arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up and saw Bakugou smiling down at me.
"You weird ass bitch" I laughed
"Oh shush you do it too" he smiled and gave a kiss on the forehead
"Ewww you kissed her with those" I ran to my bathroom.
"Damn so you're not going to kiss me when I'm free" he leaned on the door frame.
"Not until you get at least 3 facials"
"Woww n/n that's how you feel-" he stopped and fell. I already knew what has happened so I left him. He eventually stood up "ew why are you here?"
"Its my house and my bathroom" I continued wiping my forehead. Katsuki stayed there staring at me. I turned to face him "I love you too" i smiled. His eyes widened then he left.

Bakugou's POV

"I love you too" y/n smiled. How did she know that was what I was thinking? Tsk nevermind that I have to go back to Crystal. I left the room and walked to Crystal's room. She was sitting on the bed glaring at me.
"Where were you?" She asked
"Making fun of y/n" I picked up my towel to shower.
"Ok good" she smiled and I walked into the bathroom "I'll join you in a minute" she called out
"Don't, I'm not comfortable with that" I said
"But why Bakubabe?" She rubbed her hands on my torso. Memories flashed in my head of y/n doing the same. I smiled thinking about y/n. "See you like it"
"No I don't I'm not ready sorry" I pushed her off me.
"Hmph fine" she stormed out of the bathroom.

I locked the door and took a shower. I previously put my uniform in the closet if the bathroom so I don't have to change in front of Crystal. I put it on then walked back into the room.
"I'm going downstairs to get breakfast" I said
"Ok I'll be there in a few" Crystal kissed me then went into the bathroom.

I walked down to the kitchen and saw Alien, the hag and y/n laughing together.
"Ew you look so ugly today" I said pointing at y/n
"You look like your mum ran you over with a lawnmower as a baby stfu" she snapped back. Then they continued talking. 'Damn she never misses' I thought grabbing a piece of toast. Crystal came down soon after and glared at y/n then kissed me.

Y/n's pov

Crystal glared at me then start making out with Bakugou. I concealed my anger but I couldn't look away.
"Y/n your fork" Mina said. I looked down and I had completely folded it.
"Damn you're really strong" Mitsuki said
"Yeah" I laughed "we should leave for school now, we don't want to be late" I got up.
"Ew why are you wearing trousers" Crystal asked.
"Because I want to now mind your fucking business troll" I said and Mina and I left for school.

"I really hate that bitch" I said starting the car
"Same but today is Tuesday so we have training with Almight and Aizawa" Mina said
"Oh yeahhh I'm ready to beat that bitch up" we got on the road blasting music.

We quickly got to school. I parked the car and we walked through the walls to class.
"Y/N WAIT UP" a boy called out from behind us.
"Mina go in I'll be quick" I said to Mina. "Hi how can I help you?" I smiled at the boy
"I-I was wondering if I could get your number"
"Yeah sure give me your phone" I said and he handed it over. I put my number in it "there you go, call me if you need anything" I gave the phone back.
"S-sure thing" he walked away blushing. I walked back into the class.
"Heyyy guys" I smiled sitting next to Todoroki
"Hiii Y/n" Todoroki said. Bakugou and Crystal barged through the door.
"Hey yall" Crystal waved but everyone ignored her. Aizawa soon walked into the room with Almight.

"Good morning class, I know what you are all thinking, wHeN aRe TrAiNiNg I wAnT tO sEe Y/n BeAt Up CrYsTaL" he mocked
"THAT DAY IS TODAY" Almight announced. "We will be joined by recovery girl just in case of any serious injuries, Y/n don't kill her"
"No promises" I winked at her then left the room to change into our hero costumes.

We quickly put them on then went to the training facility. I was the first one there so I went to talk to the teachers.
"Hello n/n" recovery girl smiled
"Hii grams" I gave her a hug.
"Now I must say be careful and don't hurt the girl" she said then she leaned in "do your worst I'll heal her after" she whispered
"I will" I laughed. We continued talking until the whole class arrived.

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