the remains

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I woke up with everyone still asleep. I tried to get out of bed but Katsuki had a firm grip on me. I had to pry his hands off of me. I carefully went downstairs. My head was spinning for no reason. I made some ice coffee and sat at the table to calm my nerves. I decided that seeing Shadow might make everything better.

I tip toed back to my room and grabbed my uniform. I went to the weapons room, took and shower and got ready. I put some product in my hair then left it out. I quickly grabbed everything I needed for the day and left the house.

I drove to Aizawa's house and parked up front. I hesitantly knocking the door.
"Hello?" Mic opened the door "oh hi Y/n" he let me in.
"Did you say it was Y/n?" Aizawa walked towards me.
"Hi Aizawa-" I took off my shoes and looked up. He had no shirt on. This man is buff.
"You Ok?" He asked
"WAY TO GO MIC" I fived him. He laughed then walked further into the house.
"I'm going to ignore that, but did you need something?" Aizawa asked
"Yep, my baby"
"He's in here" Aizawa let me to the next room.

Shadow was asleep on his bed. I ran and sat next to him.
"Hey boy" I stroked him softly. He slowly started waking up. He looked up at me and his eyes widened. He shot up and jumped on me. I laughed at his excitement "I missed you too" I giggled. Once he calmed down Mic fed him his breakfast.
"Have you eaten yet y/n?" Aizawa asked
"No not yet" I said "I woke up and came here" they both turned to look at me.
"But you've been eating right?" Mic walked closer to me
"Yeah of course" I smiled
"Ok good" Aizawa sighed relieved "so what's going on with your house now?"
"Well mostly everything but my room is really bad, the car collection is fine though" I said
"Car collection?"
"Yeah let me show you a photo" I pulled out my phone and got a picture.

"But you've been eating right?" Mic walked closer to me"Yeah of course" I smiled "Ok good" Aizawa sighed relieved "so what's going on with your house now?""Well mostly everything but my room is really bad, the car collection is fine though" I said...

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"This is the car collection" I showed them the picture
"Where do you have the money to buy these" Mic looked closer.
"My dad has been collecting cars for years now, he buys 2 per year to add" I said
"Does he drive them?" Aizawa asked
"No there are other cars for that" I answered
"So where are they going now?"
"Probably to the warehouse" I shrugged
"What warehouse?"
"We have a warehouse for random stuff, so everything is sectioned but cars take the majority"
"I'm going to have to go check it out with your dad one day" Aizawa put up his hair "do you want to go to school together?"
"I'm actually going to take Jazzy to school and surprise her with Shadow" Shadow walked back over to me.
"Is this goodbye?" Mic sulked
"I guess so" I said. Aizawa and Mic dropped to their knees.
"I'm going to miss you Shadow" they both petted him.
"He'll be coming to school with me sometimes when he's not at my new house"
"Oh well see you later" they both stood up. I grabbed Shadow's leash and we left the house.

I opened the door and Shadow jumped into my car. I smiled and got in on my side. We drove to my new house. I knocked and dad answered
"Hey honey- HI BOY" he petted Shadow.
"Hi dad, where's mum and Jazzy?" I walked in
"They're getting Jazzy ready in her room" dad continued playing with Shadow.
"Ok I'll start on breakfast" I walked to the kitchen

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