the meeting

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⚠️mention of rape⚠️

I woke up cuddling with Mina in Momo's house. All the other girls were asleep so I went to the kitchen to get water. I downstairs and saw one of Momo's live in housekeepers in the kitchen.

"Good morning" I said startling her "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you"
"Don't worry miss l/n" she replied.
"You can just call me y/n" I smiled.
"Thank you"
"No problem so what were you making" I asked walking next to her.
"I was just about to start on breakfast for you girls"
"Ok let me help you"
"No miss y/n I can't let you do that"
"No I insist and please just call me y/n" she smiled and we make breakfast together talking about ourselves. She was just a few years older than me but our lives were so different.

Her name is Angelina. Her parents were killed in a villain attack which left her and her 3 month old sister as orphans. She was 7 at the time so they soon became homeless and were taken to an adoption centre. While they were there her sister was adopted but her new parents didn't want Angelina so they were split up. From there Angelina went from foster home to foster home until her last one which kicked her out and left her homeless. That is when Momo's family found her and offered her a job.

I listened to her story and my heart sank. She has had such a hard life while others were living in luxury. I'm happy that she has somewhere to stay and she is loved and appreciated at Momo's home. Angelina and I continued talking until the girls dragged themselves into the kitchen.
"Good morning" me and Angelina said together giggling.
"You two seem happy" Momo smiled.
"Yeah we just got to know each other" I said handing them their breakfast. We all ate them went to go get ready to go home.

 We all ate them went to go get ready to go home

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Kendo's fit

Kendo's fit

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Jiro's fit

Jiro's fit

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