teacher's assistant

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I woke up with boys cuddling me. I tried to move the way I usually do but they were holding me way tighter than normal.
"Hey guys I have to get up now" I tapped them.
"No" Midoriya said
"What do you mean no?" I asked
"He means you're not getting up right now n/n" Todoroki said.
"You guys can't be serious" I looked at all of them
"We're serious babe" Katsuki smiled.
"I didn't want it to come to this but if you don't get off me none of you can sleep in here for the next 3 weeks" I said. They all jumped off of me. "Thank you breakfast will be ready soon" I smiled "and I'm bringing Shadow over after school" I giggled excited. They all smiled at me then I left the room.

I crept to the kitchen and started on breakfast. I played music from my headphones so I wouldn't disturb anyone. I quickly finished preparing the food and put it on the table. I called Almight and Aizawa and told them that I cooked and I'll bring some for them at school. They asked if I could make some extra to put in the teachers lounge in case anyone wanted some and I agreed.

 They asked if I could make some extra to put in the teachers lounge in case anyone wanted some and I agreed

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I put food into loads of containers and piled them up in a plastic bag then set it aside.
"BREAKFAST IS READY" I shouted by the door. My classmates quickly came to the kitchen and sat down.
"Ok go ahead and eat" I sat on the island drinking coffee. I looked up and everyone was staring at me "what?"
"Eat" Todoroki handed me a plate.
"Did Aizawa tell you guys to this?" I asked and everyone nodded "thank you" I smiled. We all ate and talked.
"N/n when are we going to see Shadow?" Jiro asked
"I'm getting him today and bringing here after school" I replied "I can't wait to see my baby again"
"Omg I can't wait to see him" Crystal giggled. The room went silent.
"Anyways have your injuries healed?" I asked
"Y-yeah most of them" she replied
"Ok good if you still need medical attention that recovery girl can't provide I can ask my family to help you out" I smiled
"Are you serious?" She asked
"Yeah I'm trying to be nice" I said
"Oh thank you" she smiled
"No problem" I put my plate in the dishwasher "who's on dishwashing duty today?"
"Me, Jiro and Midoriya" Momo said
"Ok thank you again for not making me do them" I said
"N/n you cook most of our meals why would we make you wash up after too?" Sero said
"I get it, I'm going to go get ready for school" I left the kitchen and went to my room.

I showered and put on my uniform. I sat at my vanity and did my hair.

 I sat at my vanity and did my hair

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