finally summer

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~time skip~

"Good morning guys" Aizawa said walking into the class with Almight.
"We just wanted to apologise that school has cut into your summer for the past few weeks" Almight said
"So today is the official last day of school, you can leave now if you want" Aizawa said
"What about the dorms?" Mina asked
"You can still live in them just keep it clean and stuff" Almight answered "well have a nice summer" the two teachers left the room.
"So is everyone staying at the dorms?" I asked and everyone agreed. We all got up and left the building.
"N/N WAIT" Mirio called out. I stopped walking and turned around.
"Hey Mirio what's up?"
"I wanted to invite you and your class to a party I'm throwing"
"Oh cool, when is it?"
"Everything is on this invite" he handed it to me "I'll see you there" he waved and walked back to Tamaki.

I read the invitation walking back to Katsuki's car. I accidentally bumped into someone on the way.
"Sorry sir" I looked up and saw Simon "oh hey bro what are you doing here?"
"Say hello to one of the new teachers at UA" he smiled
"Nope" he hugged me.

Simon never wanted to be a hero. But it was his dream to be a teacher at a hero school. Since he was of age and his quirk made him a genius, he could teach nearly any subject.

"I'm so happy for you" I smiled
"Thanks will you come over to mine later?"
"Yeah I wanted to see Angel"
"Will you bring Jazzy?"
"Yeah I'll pick her up"
"Bring your friends too"
"Ok I'll see you later" I hugged him then walked towards the car.

"What took you so long?" Katsuki kissed me quickly
"I was talking to Mirio and Simon" I put on my seat belt
"What did they want?" He drove out of the parking lot
"Mirio invited us to his party tomorrow and Simon wants us to come over today"
"Ok who's coming?"
"Midoriya, Mina, Kirishima, Todoroki, Sero, Jiro and Momo and then on the way we pick up Jazzy"
"Cool call your mum now to get her ready now" he parked the car and we walked into the dorms.

The living room was empty. Katsuki and I walked to my room. I quickly called my mum as I flopped onto my desk chair.
"Hey baby" she answered
"Hii mum, I was just calling to ask you to get Jazzy ready"
"Ok where are you taking her?"
"Simon invited us and a few friends over"
"Ok when are you coming to get her?"
"In an hour or two"
"Ok she'll be ready"
"Thank you bye"
"Bye honey" she ended the call.

I then left the room and walked to Mina's room. I knocked on the door and she answered. Everyone was already inside.
"Where the hell were you after school?" She asked
"I was talking to some people" I walked in "are you guys doing anything today?" I asked and everyone said they were free "ok well Simon asked us to come over"
"Wait like come over to his house?" Sero asked excited
"Yeah" I replied
"I'm definitely coming his house is so fun" Jiro said
"Me too" Momo smiled
"We're in too" Midoriya and cuddling with Todoroki
"I'm coming" Kirishima finished
"Great we're leaving in an hour" I said getting up as everyone dispersed to get ready.

I walked back to my room but it was oddly locked. I opened the door and saw Katsuki blasting Crystal away. She fell to the ground in her underwear. They both turned to me.
"You are one desperate ass bitch" I laughed and stepped over her to my closet. I turned back around and she was staring at me "did you need something?"
"N-no you're just really pretty" she said
"Thank you now please leave we have to get ready" I helped her up "put this on before you leave" I threw a oversized shirt at her. She quickly put it on and left.
"Fr you're too nice" Katsuki hugged me from behind.
"I know now go get ready" I smiled
"Or we could have some fun" he smirked
"How about this" I seductively and he leaned in more
"Go on" he smiled
"How about" I smirked "you get tf off me and we get ready to pick up my sister"
"I didn't do anything" I laughed and got ready

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