the aftermath

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I woke up in the infirmary. I sit up and the pain in my stomach is gone. I look over and see Katsuki and Simon asleep in corner and recover girl sitting at her desk. She quickly notices that you're awake and she comes running towards you. She pulls you into a hug.
"Y/n thank God you're ok" she said "you did absolutely amazing today you've made me proud"
"Thank you recovery girl" I replied getting up and bowing. I got dressed and walked over to Katsuki and Simon. I slapped them both lightly on the face and they quickly got up pulling me into another hug.
"You had me so worried babe don't ever be so reckless again" Katsuki scolded me peaking me across my face. I smiled at his sweetness and kissed him.
"N/n so I hear you fucked up a beast that was nearly 3 times you're height" Simon said.
"Yeah I have no idea what it even was" I said as we left the room saying bye to recovery girl. It was still school hours and I didn't want to miss anything so I said bye to Simon cause he was spending the night at Angel's and me and Katsuki went back to our class.

When we opened the door everyone quickly turned to look at us.
"Y/N" they screamed engulfing me in a hug. Midnight has there with us and she came up to me and gave me a tight hug.
"Don't do something like that again" she said sternly then pulled me into another warm hug. I giggled then made my way to my seat. Midnight then called the teachers and told them that I was in lesson without anyone realising.
"I AM HERE" Almight proclaimed busting through the door. I giggled at his gesture. He shot me a smile then walked to the front of the class.
"Today was a real attack from the league of villains and it showed us how you would all act in the real world, we are so proud of all of you, but we are especially proud of y/n, she stepped up to the challenge from the beginning and showed nothing but persistence until the end and because of her you will all have 2 days off." The class cheered and thanked you. "Also y/n may I speak with you outside" Almight asked. I nodded and followed him out.

"Y/n what is going on with you and Ururaka? You could have killed her today" he said.
"Yeah that was the point" I said. Almight's eyes widened. Then you explained the whole situation with Ururaka from the beginning of the year. He looked at you shocked while you stood there smiling up at him.
"So you're telling me that she paid to get you kidnapped and you still defended her from getting hurt?" Almight asked.
"Yeah pretty much"
"Even after she constantly said racist,degrading things to you"
"And basically all because she wants your boyfriend"
"Yep" I smiled. Almight walked back into the room.
"URURAKA AND BAKUGOU GET OUT OF THIS CLASSROOM NOW" he screamed getting everyone's attention. They ran out of the class quickly and stood next to you.
"First you Ururaka, you should be ashamed of yourself, you disgust me as a person, you will never become a hero because you are ugly on the inside that is why young Bakugou will never like you and y/n will always be better than you" he ranted "also you're parents are going to be called in to discuss your behaviour" he added. Ururaka's face fell as she thought she was going to be rewarded.
"B-but" she started.
"BUT NOTHING THEY WILL BE HERE ON FRIDAY" Almight yelled then sent her back into the classroom.
"Now you Bakugou, y/n has been through so much these past months because of that girl. This is happening because of her obsession with you, if I was her I would have broken up with you ages ago but she stayed. She stayed because she loved you and I swear to God if you mess up this relationship I will accompany her parents to help you into a hospital bed" he said smiling at me. "She is a real one so take care of her ok?" He finished.
"I will" Katsuki said squeezing my hand. We all walked back into the class and we were told to go home.

Katsuki held my hand as we walked to his car. Kirishima said he's taking Mina out on a date and he'll drop her off at my house after. We got into his car and he immediately kissed me passionately. We made out for a few minutes then we both pulled away.
"What was that for Bakubabe" I smiled at him.
"I want to let you know that I love and appreciate you y/n" he said looking deeply into my eyes.
"I know don't worry about it" I said putting on the seat belt.

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