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~time skip~

It is last period on Friday. I'm going to Fatgum's agency after school and I'm so excited. I have to change into my hero costume first though.

"N/n are you there?" Almight waved his hand over my face bringing me back to reality.
"Yeah Yeah I'm sorry" I said
"It's fine just trying to focus" Almight said then continued teaching the lesson.

There was only about 5 minutes left so he just let us go.
"Have fun at your internships" he waved.
I quickly ran to the changing room and put on my hero costume. I put my uniform in my bag and walked to the exit. Kirishima and Tamaki were leaning on my car talking.
"Hey guys" I waved
"Hey n/n" Kirishima smiled
"H-hi n/n" Tamaki stuttered.
"Are you guys going to Fatgum's agency now too?" I asked
"Yeah he called us in to come with you on your tour" Kirishima said
"Ok cool get in" I unlocked my car.
"Throw the keys I'm driving" Kirishima said
"Whyyy" I whined
"The last time you drove you nearly crashed 3 times" Kirishima said
"Ok but did we get to the mall in the end, yes" I said
"Just give me the keys" Kirishima scolded
"Fine" I threw him the keys and got in the back. The boys sat in front. I still had Shadow's car seat in the car but he's outgrown it.

"Hey n/n where is Shadow?" Kirishima asked
"I left him with Aizawa" I replied "Aizawa bought loads of dog stuff in his house for Shadow anyway, he said he'd take him back to the dorms after"
"C-can you bring him to my class when you're with us?" Tamaki asked
"Of course I'd love to" I smiled. We soon got to Fatgum's agency. It looks very professional and classy from the outside. We walked in and the inside was very homey and welcoming.

"Hii guys" the receptionist waved. She locked eyes with me. "Hii honey what's your name?"
"I'm y/n but you can call me n/n" I smiled
"Well welcome to the agency n/n" she smiled
"Thank you" I said.
"Y/N YOU'RE HERE" Fatgum said running towards us.
"Hi Fatgum" I smiled
"Please call me Fat" he said
"Ok sure"
"So let me show you around" he walked around the agency explaining the different jobs and rooms there. He introduced me to everyone and they all welcomed me with a warm smile.
"This is out training facility and this is our personal trainer Patricia" Fat said
"I'm y/n nice to meet you" I shook her hand.
"Oh I know who you are, what you did in the national bank was amazing" Patricia smiled
"Thank you so much" I smiled.
"Do you want to quickly spare?" She asked
"Sure" I agreed. We walked a safe distance from the rest.

"Now you can hit me as hard as you like, my quirk is that I don't feel pain" she said
"Ok thank you for informing me" I sat on the ground
"Omds she's actually doing the thing" Patricia squealed.

She charged at me and I teleported behind her and kicked her legs causing her to tumble forward. She kicked me in the belly and I stumbled back. We both got back into stance and charged at each other. We started throwing blows at each other. I backed up and summoned a sword then she pulledout a sword from the pocket attached to her belt. We then clashed swords fighting until hers broke in two.
"Wait omg I'm so sorry" I said "you can have one of mine to replace it" I summoned one of my best ones and gave it to her.
"Oh no I couldn't this looks really expensive" she pleaded
"It is n/n spends thousands on weapons" Kirishima called out.
"But it is really nothing please take it" I said
"Thank you" she took it and slid it into the previous ones case "and you are great at combat, I'm honoured to be working with you"
"Oh stop it's a great opportunity working with you I can already tell that we'll be good friends" I smiled
"Great job guys" Fat said walking over to us "we actually don't have-" he was interrupted by my phone going off.
"I am so sorry I thought I put it on silent" I took it out and saw I got a notification from Midoriya. He only sent his location and I instantly got worried.
"I will be right back I need to talk care of something" I vanished before anyone could speak.

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