preparing to sports festival

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"So the school had decided to still hold the U.A sports festival" Aizawa said in front of the class.
"Isn't that dangerous, like we just got attacked by villains a few weeks ago?" Sero asked.
"Yes but we have doubled the security it is a way to show the world that we are still secure" Aizawa explained "you should all start training"
"Ooh I can't wait for the festival" I giggled turning to face Mina "I'm going to go ask the support course students to change my hero costume at lunch"
"Omg yesss they will make you look hot af I'll come with you" she replied.

~time skip~

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(If you don't like it imagine something else)

"Y/N YOU LOOK SEXY AF" Mina screeched.
"I know right, thank you so much" I said hugging everyone who helped. I put on my uniform and and put my new hero costume where the old one was. We then walked into the cafeteria. Mina bumped into a blond haired boy when opening in door.
"Oh I'm sorry" she apologised
"Of course it's the class 1a people pushing everyone around" Monoma said rolling his eyes.
"She literally just apologized what's your problem" I asked.
"My problem is that your class thinks you're better than everyone else because you are class 1a!" He shouted drawing attention towards us.
"We never said that so I really don't see where this is coming from" I looked at him confused
"You really need to calm down" Mina said shocked by his sudden outburst.
"NO I'M BETTER THAN YOU I SHOULD BE IN CLASS 1A" Monoma screamed in our faces. Everyone turned to look at us.
"Damn your dream stank" I said pinching my nose
"Girl stoppp" Mina said bursting out laughing. The room filled with laughter causing the boy to get more angry.
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME" he shouted at me.
"I said your breath stinks now get tf out if my face" I said
"LOOK EVERYONE THE 1A GIRL THINKS SHE'S ALL THAT!" He screamed. Everyone fell silent.
"Fr you need to calm tf down nobody did shit to you" I said walking past him with Mina. He grabbed on to my shoulder.
"I'M NOT DONE TALKING TO YOU-" I flipped him over my shoulder and he crashed into the ground.
"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME" I shouted at him. He got up and stood over me trying to be intimidating. I looked at him emotionless trying to conceal my anger. I then felt a tall figure behind me. I turned around and saw Katsuki glaring at Monoma with little sparks starting in his hands.
"SHOUT AT MY WIFE AGAIN EXTRA I DARE YOU" he shouted getting ready to blast him. I quickly stepped in front of him.
"Katsuki it's fine don't worry" I said calming him down
"Look the hot head finally found a girlfriend too bad she's ugly" Momona giggled. I quickly turned around and kick him in the stomach causing him to bend over. I then sent my knives at him pining him to a nearby wall.
"Don't ever disrespect me like that again pretty boy" I said tapping his face lightly walking away. A few seconds later Aizawa walked in and saw him on the wall. He immediately walked up to me.

"Y/n what happened?" He asked.
"Mina accidentally bumped into him and apologised then he started shouting at us and when we told him to calm down he got all in my face then when I said shit back he got mad and put hands on me then I told him to not touch me then he insulted me then I did that" I ranted.
"Oh ok I understand please let him go"
"Fiiine" I said bringing my knives back as Monoma fell to the ground.
"Thank you" Aizawa said walking away.

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