the party

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~time skip~

I woke up in my bedroom at home with all my friends around me. We all ended up going to my house after Simon's. I got up and walked downstairs. My mum and Mitsuki were sipping coffee in the kitchen.
"Good morning" I waved
"Good morning babe" Mitsuki smiled
"Morning honey do you have any plans for today?" Mum asked
"Yeah me and my friends are going to a party later" I got all my coffee stuff from the cabinets.
"Oh who's party is it?" Mitsuki asked
"Mirio's" I poured ice into a tall cup.
"As in Mirio the 3rd year?" Mum asked
"Yeah, you've met him before" I poured the cold coffee over it.
"Oh yeah he's a nice boy" mum said "but be careful"
"I will don't worry mum" I poured in my favourite creamer and syrups. I walked back to my room and sat at my desk while everyone else slept.

I started online shopping.
"Oooo that shirt is nice" Mina said looking over my shoulder
"I know right" I added it to basket "I'll get next day delivery so you can get tomorrow"
"Aww thank you babe" she hugged me then went to the toilet. I continued looking for clothes and I found some really nice stuff. I had got all of us at least one thing then stuff for Jazzy and my family. I placed the order and it totalled to £352.79. Mina came out of the bathroom. I passed her an outfit and she went back in to get dressed. I then walked to my closet to get my outfit together.

 I then walked to my closet to get my outfit together

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Mina came out of the bathroom in her outfit.

"YOU LOOK SO CUTE" I shouted
"I KNOW RIGHTTT" Mina screeched. We both froze and looked around us at everyone still sleeping. We both giggled.
"I'm going to go shower" I said and picked up my robe and went in. I took a long shower. The boiling water raced down my skin but I couldn't feel it. The memory of his dead body falling to the ground haunts me. The look of terror before I did it blinds me. I couldn't sleep properly yesterday so I  was still drowsy after my coffee. I snapped myself out of my terrorising daydream and finished off shower. I did the rest of my morning routine and wrapped the rob across my body. I opened the door and grabbed the outfit for today. I went back to the bathroom and put it on.

I walked out and everyone was already awake staring at me.
"Good morning guys" I smiled
"Y/n we need to talk to you" Todoroki sat me down next to him.
"What is it?"
"Remember when you killed Toga" Mina said and I nodded.
"You were a mess for weeks and couldn't sleep properly for months" Momo said.
"Yeah I remember"
"We know killing Gerald was something you've always wanted to do but we know you're hurting" Sero said.
"How do you know?"
"You woke up early and didn't train first thing in the morning and the length of your shower was so wrong" Katsuki said.
"You normally shower for 35 minutes then wash your face for 7 then brush your teeth for 4, today you showered for 49 minutes, washed your face for 9 then your teeth for 6" Jiro said.
"We want you to tell us exactly how you feel" Midoriya said.
"I feel um I feel" I stumbled
"It's ok take your time" Mina said
"I regret it, the way his body fell kept on replaying in my dreams so I was awake for most of last night" I explained "his face was full of fear when it happened and now it comes back to me when I'm alone" I stopped at the sound of the door opening.

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