ring shopping

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~time skip~

It was a noon on Saturday. Aizawa and I agreed to meet at 2. He would pick me up then we'd go to the ring store together.

I woke up in my dorm with Katsuki's arms wrapped around me tightly.
"Katsuki let go" I struggled "I have to go"
"No stay" he whined and pulled me onto his chest.
"I have to meet Aizawa" I said
"On a Saturday?" He instantly woke up and looked at me
"Yeah, we're doing something"
"What are you doing?"
"Katsuki are you jealous of our teacher?" I looked at him confused
"N-no, you just spend a lot of time with him"
"Yeah cause he's our teacher"
"Mhmm whatever" Katsuki rolled his eyes
"Wow that's a different level of jealousy"
"Shush dumbass" he closed his eyes and snuggled into my bonnet
"Katsukiii move" I wiggled
"Fine, but you owe me" he finally let go.

I got up and went into the bathroom. I quickly got into the shower. After 30 minutes I got out and did the rest of my morning routine. Once I was done I put on an outfit and did my hair.

 Once I was done I put on an outfit and did my hair

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"You look good babe" Katsuki kissed my cheek then went to the bathroom.
"Thank you" I called out then start putting on my jewellery. It was already 1:45 by the time I was done so I got my wallet and phone and headed downstairs.

"Hey n/n" Tokoyami waved
"Heyyy" I smiled and sat next to him. The bell rang "I'll get it" I got up and answer the door. There were 2 girls standing there "hi how can I help you?" I smiled
"We're looking for Bakugou" one said
"Oh he's-"
"Babe who's at the door" Katsuki put his arm around me.
"BAKUBABY" the girl squealed.
"Hey Bakugou" the other smiled
"Chelsea, Mackenzie what are you doing here?" He asked
"We came back to see you" the overly excited one jumped onto him.

"Sorry where are my manners, I'm Chelsea" the calm girl shook my hand "that's Mackenzie" she pointed at the girl all over Katsuki.
"Yeah and who are you?" Mackenzie looked me up and down.
"I'm Y/n" I smiled
"She's my wife" Katsuki pulled me closer
"Well I don't see a ring on her finger so no she's not" Mackenzie glared at me "I didn't think she would be your type"
"Yeah I can't do this today" I looked outside and saw Aizawa pull up "oh Aizawa is here" he got out of his car and walked over
"Hey guys who are they?" Aizawa asked
"They are Chelsea and Mackenzie, they're-"
"I'm Katsuki number one girl" Mackenzie interrupted me. We all looked at her confused.
"Um ok" Aizawa said "well are you ready to go n/n?"
"Where are you going?" Mackenzie asked
"To run a few errands" I started walking towards the door
"Mhmm sure" she glared at me again "well don't hurt Katsuki or I'll have to beat you up"
"Beat who up" I stopped and turned around
"You obviously, are you dumb?"
"Oop- who tf are you talking to" I pulled out a dagger.
"Well that's enough" Aizawa snatched it from me "we'll be leaving now" he pushed me to the door
"Yeah that's what I thought" Mackenzie rolled her eyes.
"YO YOU NEED TO RELAX" I teleported in front of her.
"And what will you do if I don't?" She popped her neck. My eyes started going black and all my daggers start levitating around me facing her.
"LET'S ALL RELAX" Katsuki quickly spun me around "I'll see you later" he quickly kissed me. I nodded and smiled.
"Y/n put it down" Aizawa ordered.
"Fine" I rolled my eyes and a gun facing Mackenzie fell from the ceiling. I picked it up and left the house.

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