the attack

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We all woke up energised the next morning. We then planned what we were going to do today since it was Sunday. We decided to go with my mum to church (if you're not religious that's fine you can pick what you're doing). I let the girls borrow some of my clothes and the boys begged Simon to borrow some clothes. We all got ready then left.

(Its a black church so there's good vibes only with the delicious food after service). So we all sat down together with Katsuki and Mina either side of me. We enjoyed the service then after we stayed for the food. We all got a plate then sat on the grass and ate. When we were done the boys went to go throw away the paper plates. While all the girls went to the bathroom to wash their hands.

Mina and I walked slowly than the rest as we were about to turn a corner to go to the bathroom 2 boys blocked our paths.
"Hey ladies" one started
"I'm Michael and this is Jordan" the other one said.
"We were just wondering if you wanted to get out of here and have some fun with us" Jordan winked. Before I could reply I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I turned to see Katsuki smiling down at me.
"Hi babe" I said kissing him on the cheek.
"Hey" he said kissing my forehead.
"So who are your friends" Kirishima asked with his arm around Mina's shoulder.
"Oh they were trying to move to us" I replied. I felt Katsuki hand start heating up. "But it's fine they understand we have boyfriends"
" yeah we realise that now our bad" Michael said.
"I hope we can still be friends though" Jordan said seductively. Micheal elbowed him in the belly.
"Nah they have boyfriends so we respect that" Michael scolded him.
"Aw thank you Michael for understanding" I said giving him a hug. Jordan opened his arms expecting a hug.
"What?" I asked. He scoffed and walked away.
"I'm sorry about him" Michael said
"Its fine bro don't worry about it" Kirishima replied.

The girls walked out of the bathroom and saw us. Michael saw Tsu and his mouth dropped.
"She's single" I whispered making him blush. He then walked up to her and started talking to her. They hit it off and exchanged snaps to talk more later.

We stayed outside for the church for an hour until my mum finished saying bye to her friends. We all went home after that and they got ready to leave.

Everyone except Mina was leaving because her parents were on a business trip so she was staying with us. We said bye to everyone and went up to my room and relaxed.

"So.... how are you and Bakugou?" She started

"We're really good, he makes me feel so loved and happy" I replied "I really love-"

"WERE YOU ABOUT TO SAY YOU LOVE BAKUGOU?" Simon screamed barging into my room.

"Were you listening to our conversation from outside my door??" I asked.

"Yes but that's not the point, were you about to saw you love him" he said crawling onto the edge of the bed.

"Yeah I think I do"

"Well that's too bad i have to kill him now" he said nonchalantly heading for the door.

"Umm why" I said grabbing his arm before he could leave.

"You aren't allowed to love any boy" he shrugged off my hands getting out his phone. He dialed Katsuki's number.

"Hey Simon" Katsuki answered

"Hi Katsuki you need to get over here quickly there's something wrong with y/n" Simon replied

"Oh what happened to her" worry laced his voice as he shuffled out of bed. " I swear to God if it was that Gerald guy I'm going to kill him"

"No it wasn't Gerald I'll explain when you get here hurry" Simon ended the call and smiled at me leaving the room.

~time skip~

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