welcome to hell

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~time skip~

"That's the end of lesson" Aizawa said as the bell rang "everyone is free to go but Y/n stay back I need to speak to you"
"Sure, I'll see you guys at home" I said. Everyone left the room and I walked up to Aizawa "yeah what's up?"
"Where are my brownies?" Aizawa asked sternly.
"Here, calm your tits" I handed him a container of them.
"Thank you, now how are you feeling?" He took the brownies
"I'm fine"
"No I mean mentally"
"Oh then I feel really good, I've been doing really well lately"
"Good, is there anything I should know?"
"I visited Stain"
"And Bakugou actually let you go?"
"No" I laughed "I went when he was taking a nap"
"How did he react when he woke up?"
"He stormed into the prison and start flipping out"
"He does know its strictly platonic right?"
"He does now" we continued talking for another 25 minutes.
"Ok you should head home now" Aizawa stood up.
"Ok see you tomorrow" I picked up my bag and left the class.

I walked out of the building and towards my car. Before I opened the door a piece of cloth was pushed across my mouth and nose. Out of panic I took a breath and quickly passed out.

~time skip~

I woke up in a run down building, chained to a chair.
"Ahh good your awake" a voice vane from the darkness. A boy around my age walked towards me.

"Well damn" I laughed "What's so funny?" He barked at me"Nothing I'm just used to seeing ugly ass old kidnappers but you're kinda fine" I smiled "O-oh thank you" he blushed "anyways I'm Christian-""And you're the son of Richard Johnson" I interrup...

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"Well damn" I laughed
"What's so funny?" He barked at me
"Nothing I'm just used to seeing ugly ass old kidnappers but you're kinda fine" I smiled
"O-oh thank you" he blushed "anyways I'm Christian-"
"And you're the son of Richard Johnson" I interrupted him
"Y-yeah and I've kidnapped you to-"
"Get revenge for me putting away you father, I know I know can you release me from the chains now?"
"No you'll attack me"
"No I won't I'm too lazy for that"
"Are you sure?"
"Fine" he unlock the lock holding the chains together.
"Thank you" I rubbed my sore wrists. I looked around the room and it had all the windows closed off "I'm guessing you've made it so the room look run down but I actually can't use my quirks in here"
"How did you know?"
"The ceiling gave it away there's no blemishes"
"Wow you really see everything"
"Yeah so are you going to let me go or something?"
"Fuck no"
"Why not?"
"Because then this was a whole waste of time"
"And how do you plan on keeping me here?"
"This" he took out a syringe and stabbed me with it.
"What did you-" my body went numb and I fell to the ground.

Bakugou's POV

It's 8:45 and y/n isn't home yet.
"Has anyone heard from Y/n?" I asked
"Nah do you not know where she is?" Froggy said
"I wouldn't be asking if I knew where she was would I" I glared at her
"Try calling Aizawa" Tape face suggested "and I'll call Simon"
"Good idea" I left the room and got my phone.

I dialed Aizawa's number and it rung.
"Hello Bakugou is everything ok?" He answered
"Do you know where Y/n is?" I asked
"No why?"
"She hasn't come home yet"
"Have you tried her parents, then the prisons, then her other house, then her other family?"
"Well I'm coming over and we'll do it together"
"Thank you bye" I ended the call and walked back to my classmates.

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