paying them a visit

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~time skip~

It has been a 5 months and a few days of quarantine. It hasn't been as bad as I thought. The only thing that's really hard is not seeing Katsuki and the rest of 1a everyday. But living with my parents again has been fun. I train with my dad everyday and it has helped me a lot. Mum, Mitsuki and Masaru are really fun to talk to and Simon is the same bully he has always been.

I rolled out of bed. I checked my head and my bonnet had come off while I was sleeping.
"Argh now I have to do it again" I groaned scratching my scalp. My natural hair was a mess but I just left it. I looked over at the time and my eyes widened. It was already 8:27am. You had 3 minutes to get onto online school. I quickly put on one of Katsuki's hoodies and sweatpants and rushed to turn on my computer. I logined in and joined the zoom call. Everyone was just talking while I stared at the screen.
"Heyy n/n" Mina said
"Hi babe" I yawned
"Damn you look rough af" Simon said walking into my room. He then noticed the call. "Hey guys" he waved.
"Hi Simon" they responded. I leaned my head on his shoulder. He quickly moved away causing my head to fall forward. I nearly toppled over but quickly caught myself.
"You little bitch" I yawned
"Y/n what happened why are you so tired?" Aizawa asked.
"I was training late last night" I said.
"Weren't you on facetime with Bakugou until 5am??" Toru asked.
"Damn you're just going to expose me like that??" I glared at her then quickly relaxed. "Yeah and I couldn't sleep after that too"
"Ok well you can take the day off" Aizawa said.
"Thank you-"
"I'm sorry do you have a 99% average across all subjects?" Aizawa said and Katsuki quickly shut up. "That's what I thought, anyways bye y/n". With that I left call and flopped back into my bed.

I went straight back to sleep until I heard something.
"Y/N WHY ARE YOU STILL SLEEPING? WHAT ABOUT SCHOOL?" Mum shouted. I fell off the bed with a big thud.
"Aizawa said I can take the day off" I groaned standing up.
"Oh.... well your dad is waiting for you to train" she said "I made f/f eat first"
(F/f= favourite food). She shut the door behind her and I quickly got into my workout clothes.

 She shut the door behind her and I quickly got into my workout clothes

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I put my hair up in a messy puff then ran downstairs. I quickly ate my food then met my dad outside.
"Hey honey" he hugged me
"Hii dad let's train" I smiled
"Did you just eat?"
"Ok then we have to wait an hour"
"Because you could start throwing up"

We both sat down on the lawn chairs and went on our phones.
"So how's you and Bakugou?" Dad started
"Oh we're good" I said
"So you guys have been doing long distance this whole time?"
"Yeah it sucks cause I could just teleport there and back"
"Why haven't you?"
"I don't know I thought I wasn't allowed"
"Well if you ask your mum and she says yes then you can go"
"I'M GOING TO ASK HER NOW" I ran back into the house and found my mum and Mitsuki talking in the spa room.
"MUM" I panted  "can I- can I teleport to the see my friends, I'll be back by curfew"
"Sure but only go there and back"
"YAYYYY" I screeched then ran back outside. "SHE SAID YES"
"That's great hun, do you want to skip training today to go get ready?" Dad asked.
"Yes please, thank youuu" I ran up to my room to get ready. It was going to be a surprise. I layed out my outfit and planned my hair. Then I got into the shower.

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