Chapter 11: Revelations

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~Caroline's Pov~

As I walk back to the mansion, I take in the town; remembering my human life, all the good, all the bad, the friendships made and broken...Those things feel like they happened a lifetime ago, in a way they did. My life as a human ended, and my life as a vampire began; in a way, becoming a vampire was my second chance to get things right. So far, so good. "Are you alright love?" Klaus' voice sounds from beside me. I sigh with a smile. 

"I'm okay. Just, remembering." I look at him and take his hand. "Come with me, I want to show you something." He smiles at me and we speed off to the falls. 

"A waterfall?" 

"Not the waterfall. It's what's behind." He raises his eyebrow. "When I was a kid my mom and dad fought all the time, when they did I would run off; not that they ever noticed I was gone. I would come here to be alone, it was my safe haven." He smiles and lets out a short laugh. "What?" 

"You forget love, I grew up here with my family; long before we were vampires. I know every little nook and cranny." He says and I smile. I lead him towards the waterfall, I step onto a rock that leads to a cave behind the falls. When we get inside I let go of his hand and walk further into the cave. I look around for the loose rock against the wall of the cave, I find it and move it without a struggle.

"You coming?" I ask and crouch through the hole in the cave wall. I follow the tunnel until I enter the large chamber I called my safe haven, right now its encased in darkness; but there are candles spread out around the chamber. As I reach down for the matches I left here to light the first candle, they all light by themselves. "What just-" 

"I'll take a wild guess and say magic." He says looking at my bump. I furrow my brow and look down at my stomach.

"You don't think?" I ask gesturing to my stomach.

"My mother was an extremely powerful witch, had we not become vampires we would be witches. There is a possibility." He shrugs and I smile.

"Oh okay, just need to raise a hybrid witch. The teen years'll be fun." I  laugh, he smiles back at me. "I found this place when I was 6. I never told anyone about it." I say and he holds onto my hand.

"This cave was where I spent my time when Mikael was hunting me. Over the years when my family and I separated I would come back to Mystic Falls and stay down here and one day years ago, I came back here and there was a little girl sitting on that rock. She was all alone and so full of life, so precious, so pure. I spent most days down here and she would come back every day with food and water for me, she was so kind. She had the most generous heart of anyone I had ever met. Elijah came and found me one day and the little girl came back and when he saw her he insisted, rather demanded I leave. I compelled away her memories of me and left." He says and looks at the ground.

"Who was she?" I ask.

He looks me in the eyes with tears brimming his eyes. "Caroline." He says and let's out a breath. "Remember." He says as he stares into my eyes and suddenly memories I never knew I had, come flooding into my mind. The strange man in my special place, the man who I brought food and water, fresh clothes and was Klaus.

"Klaus?" I ask. "It was you." I say and he nods slightly, he looks scared...he never looks scared. "Why are you crying?" I ask as a tear slides down his cheek. I wipe the tear away with my thumb and kiss his lips. "Hey, I love you. And I promise I'm not going anywhere." I say and he breathes a sigh of relief.

"Most children you can't compel. I couldn't compel you at first it took a few tries until you stayed away. But every time you asked me not to." He said and I frowned slightly.

"You know you didn't compel me to stay away. I stayed away because you didn't want me there anymore. The compulsion must have set in later on." I said and his eyes widened.

"No my love, I wanted you to stay but I feared for your safety. If Mikael knew about you he would kill you...that would have destroyed me. You were the first person to show me kindness in my life, you trusted me with a faith I have never known." He says and I smile softly.

"I love you." I say and press my lips softly against his. He returns the kiss then pulls away and smiles.

"I love you too." He says.

"Aww!" A voice says and we turn to see Destiny and Kol standing in the doorway, Destiny with her hands over her heart. "You two." She says and walks towards us and pulls me into an embrace. "I am so happy you're my sister now." She says and I raise and eyebrow as she pulls away.

"How?" I ask and she laughs.

"Well I was married to Kol and you're with Klaus. Unless you're completely daft then you know that you and Klaus are literally destined to be together forever! So, sisters." She says happily and we all stand there staring at her.

"Okay love." Kol says and kisses her cheek. "Are you ready to go?" Kol asks Klaus and I.

"I'm ready if you are." I say to Klaus and he smiles.

"Then let's go home." Klaus says and we all smile.

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