Chapter 19: Bad Blood

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~ Elena's Pov ~ 

"Have you heard from Caroline recently?" I ask Damon while reading by the fire. 

"Blondie? Last I heard she hightailed to New Orleans with the Big Bad Wolf." Damon says while pouring himself a glass of bourbon. "Why?" He turns and leans against the bar. 

"It's just...I haven't heard from her." I put down my book and stand up. "She's supposed to be my best friend and now she's all over Klaus and making friendship bracelets with the bad guys."

"Elena, it's not like that." He says as he walks over to me. 

"She's pregnant with Klaus' baby, Damon. It is like that." I sigh and Damon places his hands on my shoulders. "I don't understand why she's doing this to us. Why would she sleep with Klaus?!" Damon sighs and lets go of me. 

"Honestly, she hasn't done anything wrong." 

"How can you say that." I step back. 

"Elena, she fell in love. Just because it's with someone you don't like, doesn't mean it's wrong." He says and sips his bourbon. 

"Damon, this is Klaus!" I demand.

"Yeah? And I'm me!" He shoots back. "Elena, I am the one who used Caroline as a personal feeding bag, I am the one who compelled her and I am the reason she is a vampire." He lists, downing the rest of his glass. "Hell I killed Jeremy! Your own brother, and you forgave me. God Elena, I've done horrible things and you forgave me." He paces. "Caroline didn't stop you from dating me, Caroline saw you were in love and she let you be happy. Klaus would never hurt her, he never has and he never will. I've hurt you, but Caroline didn't stand in your way. So why are you standing in hers?" He says. We hold eye contact for a moment before he sighs and leaves the room. 

~ Stefan's Pov ~ 

The dial tone rings in my ear as I wait for her to answer my call. "Stefan?" Her voice rings in my ears. 

"Hey Caroline. How are you?" I ask. 

"I'm great, how are you?" She sounds excited. 

"Not too bad. I was just calling to see how you were doing, you know Mystic Falls isn't the same without you here. It's quiet." I say and she laughs. 

"Well I was the life of the town, you must all be so miserable." She jokes. 

"Drowning in melancholy." I say dramatically. 

"Good to know you're still your usual brooding self." She says with a laugh. "I miss you." She says. 

"I miss you too. You know you can always come visit?" I say with a smile. 

"I know, but I would really love if you came here. My mom's coming down next week, come with her." She suggests. 

"I'll be there." I say. "Honestly anything to get away from all the fighting." I say as I sit at my desk. 

"What do you mean? Who's fighting?" She asks. 

"Damon and Elena. They've been fighting all day, really quite irritating." I say and she laughs. 

"Sounds like you really do need a break. Come up with my mom, and stay with us for the week." She reiterates. 

"I will. Oh yeah, how's the pregnancy going?" 

"It's amazing, and weird and scary but kinda wonderful." She says and laughs softly. "She likes the sound of your voice by the way, she's kicking like crazy right now." 

"She? It's a girl?" I say excitedly. 

"It's a girl." 

"Got any names yet?" 

"No, a few ideas but nothing set in stone." She says. "You're gonna have to help when you get here." 

"Will do." I say with a smile plastered on my face. Suddenly Damon is sitting on my bed with his eyebrow raised. 

"That Blondie?" He asks and I shake my head. "Yeah, okay." He says then suddenly the phone is no longer in my hand. "Hello Blondie. What's the happs?" 

"Hello Damon." I hear Caroline say. 

"Damon?" Klaus' voice suddenly chimes in, sounding somewhat agitated. This can't be good. 

~ Caroline's Pov ~ 

Klaus gestures for me to give him the phone, I comply. "Damon, mate. How are you?" 

"Klaus, ol' buddy ol' pal. Not too bad, not too bad." I hear him say.

"A word of warning mate." He says now pacing the room. 

"Shoot." Damon says. 

"If you ever touch Caroline again, so help me god the last thing you'll see is your own heart being ripped out of your chest. Am I understood?" Klaus stops pacing, now stands in the center of the room looking out the window. 

"Excuse me?" Damon sounds affronted by Klaus' request. 

"You heard me mate." He says then looks back at me. "Now be a good boy and give the phone back to little brother so Caroline can finish her conversation." Klaus hands the phone back to me and kisses my cheek. 

"What was that about?" I hear Stefan's voice come through the speaker. 

"Klaus has bumped Damon up to first place on the hit list." I explain and Stefan laughs. 

"Why am I not surprised?" He asks rhetorically. "What did Damon do this time?" 

"I didn't do anything." I hear Damon shout in the background. 

"You must have if Klaus wants you dead." Stefan says. 

"It's because of Damon using me as a personal feeding bag." I say. 

"I said I was sorry." Damon shouts out again. 

"Tell that to Klaus." I say and I hear him groan. From the corner of my eye I see Mia looking at me. "Hey Stef, I have to go. I'll see you next week right?" 

"Yes, of course. Look after yourself Care." He says and I hang up. 

"Hey princess." I say as I walk over to Mia. 

"Hi." She says. "Did you have a good sleep?" I say and pick her up. 

"Mhm." She says and places her head on my shoulder. 

"You want something to eat?" I ask as I start walking us down to the kitchen. She nods. "Do you want a sandwich, or some pasta, or noodles?" I ask. 

"Pasta!" She exclaims excitedly in my arms. 

"Pasta it is!" I say and put her in a highchair that was in the nursery. 

~ Klaus' Pov ~ 

I exit the library  in search of Caroline. She's not in the nursery...She was in here before decorating, and moving around furniture but not now. I hear voices in the kitchen, making my way downstairs I smell what could be pasta sauce. I look in the kitchen to see Caroline laughing with Mia, a smear of pasta sauce on her cheek and a bowl of pasta in her hands. I take my phone out of my pocket and take a picture, wanting to save this image forever. Caroline looks up and makes eye contact with me. "Hey." She says with her smile still plastered on her face. This is my life. For the first time it feels complete.

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