Chapter 4: Hold Me

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~Klaus' Pov~

Caroline falls to the floor, only the whites of her eyes are showing and blood escapes the severed artery. Forget the hybrid, he'll be second to go..After Damon Salvatore, of course. I rush to Caroline's side and lift her to my lap, I roll up my sleeve but before I can give my wrist to Caroline to drink, he's back. "One last thing." He stabs a wooden stake through my heart, the light fades from my eyes...

When I open my eyes again, Caroline is no longer near me. I search the room in a panic to find her lying on the couch, gasping for air. "Caroline." I rip the stake from my chest and rush to her side.

"K..Klaus." She stutters. I get behind her and hold my wrist out for her to drink. "He bit me...Tyler bit me..He-"

"Shh love, please Caroline take my wrist." I plead with her until she reluctantly takes my wrist into her hands and looks up at me with those big emerald eyes. I nod and she sinks her fangs into my vein. I pet her hair as she feeds, she stays there longer than she needs to but I don't mind. She retracts her fangs, stares into space for a moment then leans into my chest and cries. I pet her hair again as she weeps into my chest. "Shh, its alright love." After a while she pulls away from me, I sadden at the loss of contact.

"I'm sorry, I got your shirt wet and bloody." She sighs.

"Its just a shirt love..are you okay?" She shakes her head and leans into me again, laying her head on my chest and crying silently.

~ Caroline's POV ~

I try to keep my sobs silent, but Klaus can hear me. "Caroline.." He lifts my chin and forces me to look him in the eyes. "He's not worth your tears. You are too pure and too good for him love, and if he can't see how amazing you are then he doesn't deserve you." My heart beats faster and faster at Klaus' words...Does he really think all that of me? I nod and smile sadly at him.

"Thank you Klaus." He lifts his hands to cup my face and wipes away my tears with his thumbs.

"Are you alright?" His voice is heavy with concern, I nod and shake my head.

"He's not even worth the calories we're burning talking about him." He lets out a short laugh. 

"Are you?" He looks down, I entwine my hand with his and a small smile appears across his face.

"I'm fine love...Thank you for defending me, you didn't have t-"

"Yes I did. He had no right to talk about you like that...He's not without sin, none of us are." I sigh. "All the things we did to stop you were done to protect Elena. We hurt you and your family, for our own satisfaction; but you...everything you did was for family, for their safety, for their wellbeing and happiness. Klaus you are a kind, brave, honest, selfless person and no one can take that away from you."

"Funny, Rebekah calls me the most selfish person alive, Elijah calls me a traitor, Finn used to insist I stabbed him in the back, in his defence I did stab him in the back quite literally." He stops and we laugh for a moment. "Kol was the only one who called me fun." A small smile plays at Klaus' lips as a lone tear wets his cheek. I pull him into a hug. "Then there's my father." I pull back reluctantly and look at him, my eyes I'm sure filled with sadness and concern.

"You don't have to talk about it-"

"I want to..At least to someone I can trust." I smile softly at him and he lets out a breath. "My father believed me an abomination. A bastard child that didn't deserve life. He used my lineage as justification to treat me no better than he would dirt...When I triggered the curse, the night of my first full moon he ordered Elijah to restrain me and my mother to perform a spell that would prevent me from becoming a werewolf ever again. I remember the pain, it felt like every bone in my body was breaking one splinter at a time, it was torture...All that crossed my mind then and ever since, is how could a person hate a child so much that they made them beg for death, only to force them to endure an immortal life..."

"Its not your fault Klaus." I pull him back into the embrace, I tighten my arms around him. "Its not your fault." Pure uncontrollable hatred courses through my veins, if Mikael weren't already dead I would take immense pleasure in taking his life. How could he do that to Klaus? To an innocent child, how could he make him feel worthless? How could anyone do that?!

~ Klaus' POV ~

I am overcome with mixed emotions, I told Caroline everything about Mikael. I've never told another soul about that. She pulls me into an embrace and tells me its not my fault...she is the only person to ever tell me that, she blames Mikael not me. "Thank you Caroline..." We stay locked in a loving embrace for what feels like minutes but in reality is an hour, until someone walks though the front door...Elijah. 

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